Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

25 Who am I in heaven? and with Thee I desire nothing on earth.

26 My flesh and my heart are faint: God is the stronghold of my heart, and my portion for ever.

27 For behold, they that keep themselves away from thee perish; Thou destroyest every one who departs from Thee.

28 But it is good for me to draw near to God! In the Lord God I have placed my trust, to declare all thy works [in the gate of the daughter of Zion].

Psalm 73

The Teaching of Asaph.

1 Wherefore, O God, hath cast us away for ever? Is Thy wrath kindled against the sheep of Thy pasture?

2 Remember Thy assembly, which Thou hast acquired of old, Thou hast redeemed into a rod of Thy inheritance, this Mount Zion, on which Thou hast rejoiced.

3 Move Thy feet to the ruins of the ages: the enemy hath destroyed all things in the sanctuary.

4 Thy enemies roar in the midst of thy assemblies; they have put their signs in place of our signs;

5 showed themselves to be like one lifting up an axe on the intertwined branches of a tree;

6 and now all the carvings in it have been destroyed at one time with axes and reeds;

7 they have set fire to thy sanctuary; they have utterly defiled the dwelling place of thy name;

8 And they said in their hearts, 'Let us destroy them utterly,' and they burned all the places of assembly of God on the earth.

9 We do not see our signs, there is no longer a prophet, and there is no one with us who knows how long these things will be.

10 How long, O God, shall the enemy reproach? Shall the adversary forever blaspheme Thy name?

11 Why do you turn away your hand and your right hand? Out of the midst of Thy bosom smite them.

12 O God, my King from everlasting, who worketh salvation in the midst of the earth!

13 Thou hast parted the sea by Thy power, Thou hast broken the heads of the serpents in the waters;

14 Thou hast broken the head of the leviathan, thou hast given it for food to the people of the wilderness, [Ethiopians];

15 Thou hast cut out the fountain and the stream, Thou hast dried up the mighty rivers.