Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

8 неужели навсегда отринул Господь, и не будет более благоволить?

9 неужели навсегда престала милость Его, и пресеклось слово Его в род и род?

10 неужели Бог забыл миловать? Неужели во гневе затворил щедроты Свои?

11 И сказал я: «вот мое горе – изменение десницы Всевышнего».

12 Буду вспоминать о делах Господа; буду вспоминать о чудесах Твоих древних;

13 буду вникать во все дела Твои, размышлять о великих Твоих деяниях.

14 Боже! свят путь Твой. Кто Бог так великий, как Бог [наш]!

15 Ты – Бог, творящий чудеса; Ты явил могущество Свое среди народов;

16 Ты избавил мышцею народ Твой, сынов Иакова и Иосифа.

17 Видели Тебя, Боже, воды, видели Тебя воды и убоялись, и вострепетали бездны.

18 Облака изливали воды, тучи издавали гром, и стрелы Твои летали.

19 Глас грома Твоего в круге небесном; молнии освещали вселенную; земля содрогалась и тряслась.

20 Путь Твой в море, и стезя Твоя в водах великих, и следы Твои неведомы.

21 Как стадо, вел Ты народ Твой рукою Моисея и Аарона.

Psalm 77

The Teaching of Asaph.

1 Take heed, my people, to my law, incline your ear to the words of my mouth.

2 I will open my mouth in a parable, and I will speak divination of old.

3 What we have heard, and learned, and our fathers have told us,

4 Let us not hide from their children, declaring to the generation to come the glory of the Lord, and his power, and his wonders which he hath wrought.

5 And he made a statute in Jacob, and laid down a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to declare to their children,

6 that the generation to come may know, the children that shall be born, and that they may in due time declare to their children,

7 to put their hope in God, and not to forget the works of God, and to keep his commandments,

8 and not to be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, unsettled in heart, and unfaithful to God in spirit.

9 And the sons of Ephraim, armed, shooting bows, turned back in the day of battle, saying,

10 and they have not kept the covenant of God, and have denied to walk in his law;

11 and they have forgotten his works, and the wonders which he hath shewed unto them.

12 And he did wonders in the sight of their fathers in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan;