Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

16 Those who hate the Lord would fawn on them, and their prosperity would last forever.

17 I would feed them with the fat of wheat, and feed them with honey out of the rock.

Psalm 81

Psalm of Asaph.

1 God became in the assembly of the gods; Among the gods he pronounced judgment:

2 How long wilt ye judge unrighteously, and show partiality to the wicked?

3 Give judgment to the poor and the fatherless; do justice to the oppressed and the poor;

4 deliver the poor and needy; pluck it out of the hand of the wicked.

5 They do not know, they do not understand, they walk in darkness; All the foundations of the earth are shaking.

6 I said, You are gods, and you are all sons of the Most High;

7 but ye shall die as men, and fall as every prince.

8 Arise, O God, judge the earth, for thou art the heir of all nations.

Psalm 82

1 Ode. Psalm of Asaph.

2 God! Do not be silent, do not be silent, and do not remain at rest, O God,

3 For behold, thy enemies are making a noise, and they that hate thee have lifted up their heads;

4 And they have devised a deceitful plot against thy people, and take counsel against those whom thou keepest;

5 said, "Let us go and cut them off from among the nations, so that the name of Israel may no longer be remembered."

6 And they have conspired with one accord, and have made an alliance against thee;

7 The villages of Edom, and of the Ishmaelites, of Moab, and of the Hagarites,

8 Ebal and Ammon and Amalek, the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre.

9 And Assyria clung to them: they became a arm to the sons of Lot.

10 Thou shalt do unto them as to Midian, and to Sisera, as to Jabin, by the brook of Kishon,

11 которые истреблены в Аендоре, сделались навозом для земли.

12 Поступи с ними, с князьями их, как с Оривом и Зивом и со всеми вождями их, как с Зевеем и Салманом,

13 которые говорили: «возьмем себе во владение селения Божии».

14 Боже мой! Да будут они, как пыль в вихре, как солома перед ветром.

15 Как огонь сжигает лес, и как пламя опаляет горы,