Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

23 A man goes out to his work, and to his work until evening.

24 How many are thy works, O Lord! Thou hast done all things wisely; the earth is full of Thy works.

25 This is a great and wide sea: there are creeping things, which are innumerable, small animals with great ones;

26 there are ships sailing, there is this leviathan that Thou hast created to play in it.

27 They all look to you to give them their food in due time.

28 Thou givest unto them, and they receive, and thou shalt open thy hand, and they are filled with goodness;

29 If you hide your face, they are troubled, if you take away their breath, they die, and return to their dust.

30 Thou shalt send forth Thy spirit, and they shall be built, and Thou dost renew the face of the earth.

31 Glory be to the Lord for ever; let the Lord rejoice in His works!

32 He looketh upon the earth, and it trembles; touches the mountains, and smokes.

33 I will sing to the Lord all my life, I will sing to my God as long as I am.

34 Let my song be pleasing to Him; I will rejoice in the Lord.

35 Let sinners perish from the earth, and let the wicked be no more. Bless the Lord, O my soul! Alleluia!

Psalm 104

1 Praise the Lord; call on His name; declare His works among the nations;

2 sing to him, and sing unto him; tell of all His wonders.

3 Хвалитесь именем Его святым; да веселится сердце ищущих Господа.

4 Ищите Господа и силы Его, ищите лица Его всегда.

5 Воспоминайте чудеса Его, которые сотворил, знамения Его и суды уст Его,

6 вы, семя Авраамово, рабы Его, сыны Иакова, избранные Его.

7 Он Господь Бог наш: по всей земле суды Его.