Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

8 But he stores up his bread in the summer, he gathers his food in the harvest. [Or go to the bee and find out how industrious it is, what honorable work it does; its labors are used for health both by kings and commoners; and it is loved by all and glorious; though it is weak in strength, it is honored in wisdom.]

9 How long wilt thou, O sluggard, sleep? When will you arise from your sleep?

10 Sleep a little, slumber a little, lie down a little with folded hands:

11 And thy poverty shall come as a passer-by, and thy need as a thief. [But if you are not slothful, your harvest will come as a spring; but poverty will flee far from you.]

12 A wicked man, a wicked man, walketh with lying lips,

13 He winks his eyes, he speaks with his feet, he makes signs with his fingers;

14 Deceit is in his heart: he deviseth evil at all times, he sows strife.

15 But suddenly his destruction will come, suddenly he will be broken, without healing.

16 These are six things that the Lord hates, even seven, which are an abomination to his soul:

17 Proud eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 A heart forging evil designs, feet swiftly running to wickedness,

19 A false witness who tells lies, and sows discord among the brethren.

20 My son! keep thy father's commandment, and reject not thy mother's instruction;

21 Bind them forever on your heart, bind them around your neck.

22 When thou goest, they shall guide thee; when you go to bed, they will guard you; When thou awakest, they shall converse with thee;

23 For the commandment is a lamp, and instruction is light, and edifying precepts are the way to life,

24 чтобы остерегать тебя от негодной женщины, от льстивого языка чужой.

25 Не пожелай красоты ее в сердце твоем, [да не уловлен будешь очами твоими,] и да не увлечет она тебя ресницами своими;

26 потому что из-за жены блудной обнищевают до куска хлеба, а замужняя жена уловляет дорогую душу.

27 Может ли кто взять себе огонь в пазуху, чтобы не прогорело платье его?

28 Может ли кто ходить по горящим угольям, чтобы не обжечь ног своих?