Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

3 that those, tormented by hunger, because of the abominable appearance of the reptiles sent, should refuse even the necessary urge for food, and these, having suffered a short shortage, should taste of extraordinary food.

4 For those oppressors were to suffer an inevitable defect, and by this only it was necessary to show how their enemies were tormented.

5 And then, when the terrible fury of the beasts came upon them, and they were destroyed by the bites of the cunning serpents, thy wrath did not continue to the end.

6 But they were troubled for a short time for admonition, having received the sign of salvation, in remembrance of the commandment of thy law,

7 For he that turneth was healed, not by that which he looked, but by thee, the Saviour of all.

8 And by this thou hast shewed our enemies that thou art the deliverer of all evil;

9 For they were killed by the wounds of locusts and flies, and there was no medicine for their souls, because they were worthy to be tormented by them.

10 And even the teeth of poisonous serpents have not prevailed against thy sons, for thy mercy hath come to their aid, and hath healed them.

11 Though they were wounded because they were reminded of thy words, yet they were soon healed, lest, having fallen into deep forgetfulness thereof, they should not be deprived of thy beneficence.

12 Не трава и не пластырь врачевали их, но Твое, Господи, всеисцеляющее слово.

13 Ты имеешь власть жизни и смерти и низводишь до врат ада и возводишь.

14 Человек по злобе своей убивает, но не может возвратить исшедшего духа и не может призвать взятой души.

15 А Твоей руки невозможно избежать,

16 ибо нечестивые, отрекшиеся познать Тебя, наказаны силою мышцы Твоей, быв преследуемы необыкновенными дождями, градами и неотвратимыми бурями и истребляемы огнем.