Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

13 And ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their pillars, and cut down their sacred groves,

14 for thou shalt not worship any other god than the Lord, for his name is jealous; He is a jealous God.

15 And thou shalt not make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, lest, when they commit fornication after their gods, and offer sacrifices to their gods, they shall not invite thee also, and thou shalt eat of their sacrifice;

16 And thou shalt not take wives of their daughters unto thy sons, lest their daughters, when they commit fornication after their gods, lead thy sons astray after their gods.

17 Thou shalt not make for thyself cast gods.

18 Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread: Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread, as I commanded thee, at the appointed time of the month of Abib: for in the month of Abib thou didst come out of Egypt.

19 Everything that opens the couch is unto me, as well as all thy male cattle that open the couch, of oxen and sheep;

20 Replace the firstborn of donkeys with a lamb, and if you do not replace it, you shall redeem it. Thou shalt redeem all the firstborn of thy sons; let them not appear before me empty-handed.

21 Six days shalt thou work, and on the seventh day shalt rest; rest also at the time of sowing and harvesting.

22 И праздник седмиц совершай, праздник начатков жатвы пшеницы и праздник собирания плодов в конце года;

23 три раза в году должен являться весь мужеский пол твой пред лице Владыки, Господа Бога Израилева,

24 ибо Я прогоню народы от лица твоего и распространю пределы твои, и никто не пожелает земли твоей, если ты будешь являться пред лице Господа Бога твоего три раза в году.

25 Не изливай крови жертвы Моей на квасное, и жертва праздника Пасхи не должна переночевать до утра.

26 Самые первые плоды земли твоей принеси в дом Господа Бога твоего. Не вари козленка в молоке матери его.