Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

41 Rather give alms from what you have, then everything will be clean with you.

42 But woe to you, Pharisees, for you tithes of mint, rue, and all kinds of vegetables, and neglect the judgment and the love of God: these things ought to have been done, and not to be forsaken.

43 Woe to you, Pharisees, for you love to preside in the synagogues, and to salute in the assemblies of the people.

44 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for you are like hidden sepulchres, over which men walk and do not know it.

45 And one of the lawyers said to him, 'Teacher! by saying this, you also offend us.

46 But he said, 'Woe also to you, lawyers, because you lay burdens on people that are unbearable, and you yourselves do not touch them with one finger.'

47 Woe unto you, for ye build sepulchres for the prophets whom your fathers slain;

48 By this ye bear witness to the deeds of your fathers, and agree with them, for they slew the prophets, and ye build them tombs.

49 Wherefore also the wisdom of God said, I will send prophets and apostles unto them, and of them some shall be killed, and others shall be cast out,

50 да взыщется от рода сего кровь всех пророков, пролитая от создания мира,

51 от крови Авеля до крови Захарии, убитого между жертвенником и храмом. Ей, говорю вам, взыщется от рода сего.

52 Горе вам, законникам, что вы взяли ключ разумения: сами не вошли, и входящим воспрепятствовали.

53 Когда Он говорил им это, книжники и фарисеи начали сильно приступать к Нему, вынуждая у Него ответы на многое,

54 подыскиваясь под Него и стараясь уловить что-нибудь из уст Его, чтобы обвинить Его.