Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

24 Perhaps there are fifty righteous men in this city? Wilt thou destroy and not spare this place for the sake of the fifty righteous men?

25 It cannot be that thou didst do such a thing that thou shouldest destroy the righteous with the wicked, that it should be the same with the righteous as with the wicked. it cannot be from Thee! Will the judge of all the earth do wrong?

26 And the Lord said, 'If I find fifty righteous men in the city of Sodom, I will spare [the whole city and] the whole place for their sake.'

27 Abraham answered and said, "Behold, I have made up my mind to speak to the Lord, I am dust and ashes,

28 Perhaps five of the fifty righteous shall be lacking, and for the lack of five Thou wilt destroy the whole city? And he said, I will not destroy it, if I find forty-five there.

29 Abraham continued to speak to Him, and said, "Shall there be forty found there?" He said, "I will not do this for the sake of forty."

30 And Abraham said, Let not the Lord be angry, that I should say, Perhaps thirty shall be found there? He said, "I will not do it if there are thirty there."

31 Abraham said, 'Behold, I have made up my mind to say to the Lord, Perhaps there shall be twenty found there?' He said, I will not destroy for the sake of twenty.

32 Abraham said, 'Let not the Lord be angry, that I will say once more, Perhaps ten will be found there?' He said, I will not destroy for ten's sake.

33 И пошел Господь, перестав говорить с Авраамом; Авраам же возвратился в свое место.

Глава 19

1 И пришли те два Ангела в Содом вечером, когда Лот сидел у ворот Содома. Лот увидел, и встал, чтобы встретить их, и поклонился лицем до земли

2 и сказал: государи мои! зайдите в дом раба вашего и ночуйте, и умойте ноги ваши, и встаньте поутру и пойдете в путь свой. Но они сказали: нет, мы ночуем на улице.

3 Он же сильно упрашивал их; и они пошли к нему и пришли в дом его. Он сделал им угощение и испек пресные хлебы, и они ели.