The Old Testament (Part 1)

15 because I have stretched out my hand, I would have smite thee and thy people with plague, and thou shalt have been cut off from the earth.

16 but for this reason I have preserved thee, that my power may be shewed upon thee, and that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth;

17 Yet thou dost resist my people, that thou mayest not let them go,

18 Behold, I will send tomorrow, at this very time, a mighty city, the like of which has not been seen in Egypt since the foundation of it until now;

19 Therefore go and gather together your flocks, and all that you have in the field: on all the men and cattle that remain in the field, and are not gathered together into houses, hail shall fall, and they shall die.

20 And those of Pharaoh's servants who feared the word of the Lord, hastened to gather their servants and their flocks into their houses;

21 And whosoever hath not turned his heart unto the word of the Lord, hath forsaken his servants, and his flocks in the field.

22 And the Lord said to Moses, 'Stretch out your hand to heaven, and hail will fall on all the land of Egypt, on men, on cattle, and on all the grass of the field in the land of Egypt.'

23 And Moses stretched out his rod to heaven, and the Lord brought forth thunder and hail, and fire spread over the earth; and the Lord sent a city upon the land of Egypt;

24 и был град и огонь между градом, [град] весьма сильный, какого не было во всей земле Египетской со времени населения ее.

25 И побил град по всей земле Египетской все, что было в поле, от человека до скота, и всю траву полевую побил град, и все деревья в поле поломал [град];

26 только в земле Гесем, где жили сыны Израилевы, не было града.

27 И послал фараон, и призвал Моисея и Аарона, и сказал им: на этот раз я согрешил; Господь праведен, а я и народ мой виновны;

28 помолитесь [обо мне] Господу: пусть перестанут громы Божии и град [и огонь на земле], и отпущу вас и не буду более удерживать.