The Old Testament (Part 1)

24 And thou shalt put all things in the hands of Aaron, and in the hands of his sons, and thou shalt offer them, shaking them before the Lord.

25 And thou shalt take it out of their hands, and burn it on the altar of burnt offering, as an aroma before the Lord: it is an offering to the Lord.

26 And thou shalt take the breast of the ram of the offering, which is for Aaron, and offer it, shaking it before the face of the Lord, and it shall be thy portion;

27 And thou shalt sanctify the breast of the offering, which was shaken, and the shoulder of the offering, which was offered, from the ram of the offering, which was for Aaron and for his sons,

28 And it shall be unto Aaron and his sons for an everlasting portion from the children of Israel, for it is an exaltation. The offering shall be from the children of Israel at the peace offerings [of the children of Israel], their offering to the Lord.

29 And the holy garments which are for Aaron shall pass after him to his sons, to anoint them in them, and to confer upon them the priesthood.

30 Seven days the priest of his sons shall be clothed with them, taking his place, who shall enter into the tabernacle of meeting to minister in the sanctuary.

31 And thou shalt take the ram of the offering, and boil its flesh in the holy place;

32 And Aaron and his sons shall eat the flesh of this ram out of the basket at the door of the tabernacle of meeting,

33 ибо чрез это совершено очищение для вручения им священства и для посвящения их; посторонний не должен есть сего, ибо это святыня;

34 если останется от мяса вручения и от хлеба до утра, то сожги остаток на огне: не должно есть его, ибо это святыня.

35 И поступи с Аароном и с сынами его во всем так, как Я повелел тебе; в семь дней наполняй руки их.

36 И тельца за грех приноси каждый день для очищения, и жертву за грех совершай на жертвеннике для очищения его, и помажь его для освящения его;

37 семь дней очищай жертвенник, и освяти его, и будет жертвенник святыня великая: все, прикасающееся к жертвеннику, освятится.