The Old Testament (Part 3)

33 There is no mediator between us, who would lay his hand on both of us.

34 Let him draw away his rod from me, and let not his fear terrify me,

35 and then I will speak, and I will not fear him, for I am not so in myself.

Chapter 10

1 My life is abhorrent to my soul; I will give myself over to my sorrow; I will speak in the sorrow of my soul.

2 I will say to God, Do not accuse me; tell me why you are fighting with me?

3 Is it good for thee that thou oppressest, that thou despise the work of thy hands, and that thou dost send light upon the counsel of the wicked?

4 Hast thou the eyes of flesh, and lookest as man looketh?

5 Are your days like the days of a man, or your years like the days of a man?

6 That thou seekest iniquity in me, and searchest sin in me,

7 Though thou knowest that I am not a wicked man, and that there is no one to deliver me out of thy hand?

8 Thy hands have labored over me, and have formed me all round about, and thou hast destroyed me?

9 Remember that thou hast worked me as clay, and hast turned me to dust?

10 Did you not pour me out like milk, and thicken me like curd?

11 With skin and flesh He clothed me, With bones and sinews He held me together,

12 Have you given me life and mercy, and your care has preserved my spirit?

13 But even these things thou hast hid in thy heart, I know that thou hadst them,

14 that if I sin, thou shalt take heed, and thou shalt not let my sin go unpunished.

15 If I am guilty, woe is me! if I am right, I will not dare to lift up my head. I am satiated with humiliation; Look upon my affliction;

16 it increases. Thou hast pursued me like a lion, and hast come upon me again, and hast appeared wondrous in me.

17 Thou hast brought forth new Thy witnesses against me; Thou hast increased Thy wrath against me; and troubles, one after another, are arrayed against me.