Sect Studies

Usually, meetings in the "kingdom hall" consist of two parts. First, either a male member of the congregation or a traveling overseer speaks. A man examines a prescribed Watchtower article in detail, holding the magazine in his hands, and the preacher, whose arrival is advertised in advance ("our brother will come, who will tell a lot of new things"), simply tells the contents of the magazine, which will be delivered in 2 weeks, or reads out special directives brought from Brooklyn. The speeches make up a long lecture—you can't call it a sermon—but everyone listens to it attentively. Then they sing simple songs either to the accompaniment of keyboards or to a tape recorder. The recordings were made in the same Brooklyn, the music and lyrics were written there. This is followed by reading the journal, the issue of which everyone holds in front of them, with a detailed analysis of the articles. All journal articles are anonymous. The paragraphs in them are numbered like Bible verses. Each of the articles is an absolute truth that is not subject to critical discussion. It is possible to discuss what is written there only for the purpose of deeper assimilation and even more complete approval.

In order for everyone to assimilate everything that is written, at the bottom of the pages on which the articles for study are printed, questions about their content are given. First, the text is read, then the facilitator asks the participants questions, and they find the answers to them in the content of the article and read them. An answer that is correct in content, but stated in one's own words, is considered incorrect. You can only answer with the words of the printed text. Thus, the content of the journal is assimilated very efficiently. All this is very similar to the infamous political classes that many of us remember. Only there everyone tried to sit in the back row to solve crosswords, and here everything is done not out of fear, but out of conscience. The magazines are then studied at home and in weekday meetings. So in two weeks, each sectarian gouges out the entire issue by heart. For the next two weeks, a new journal is studied, then the next, and so on. And since human memory is limited, after a few months the content of past journals is firmly erased from memory, and the sectarian no longer remembers that six months ago he could have been taught something completely different from what is taught today.

Women do not play an active role in worship—the leadership of the Jehovah's Witnesses is only male; in general, the attitude towards women is somewhat dismissive, because the founder of the sect, Russell, considered them inferior beings (perhaps because of the scandalous divorce from his own wife).

Jehovah's Witnesses baptize by immersion "in the name of the Father and of the Son and the spirit-guided Organization." The baptizer stands next to the baptized person and supports him, and the latter lies on his back in the water and stands up already baptized. They are baptized at conventions and congresses in inflatable rubber pools specially placed in the most prominent place.

Naturally, the Jehovah's Witnesses consider themselves to be the only true church (they use the word "organization") — all other religions are one hundred percent false; They deny even the word "religion" and define religion as the worship of idols, the worship of creatures. And they alone worship the true God. True, this rejection of religion as such does not prevent the Witnesses from doing their best to seek religious status for their organization, with all the benefits that come with it.

Any religion other than the faith of the Witnesses, according to the anonymous authors of The Watchtower, is "like pure cocaine." [147] Christians are called traitors to God and liars,[148] and elements of Christian teaching and tradition are called those derived from "ancient false religions."[149] Religious leaders of "false religions" are called "among the most notorious liars." [150] According to The Watchtower, Christian priests are in a state of "drunken stupor." [151] The priesthood is indiscriminately accused of pedophilia, on the basis of which it is concluded that "the clergy reject God by refusing to act in harmony ... moral norms". [152] It is asserted that "the churches of Christendom ... are infected with sexual immorality"[153] and that "parishioners of the church and even priests allow themselves to lead a dissolute life, commit adultery, fight, drink, be greedy, lie, engage in spiritism and idolatry." [154] The "religions of Christendom" are promised "deprivation of their wealth" and "shameful exposure." [155] The magazines report that "Christendom and other false religions will soon be completely destroyed." [156] "This is a just judgment pronounced by Jehovah on false teachers. This sentence will be carried out." [157]

It is worth recalling that these and similar statements sharply incline the Jehovah's Witnesses against the adherents of all other religions, primarily against the adherents of the traditional confessions of those countries where the sect operates. This aggression bursts out and, naturally, gives rise to a response from people who are offended both by the blasphemous statements of Jehovah's Witness publications regarding the shrines they revere, and by the importunate harassment of sect members. In this way, the leadership of the sect provokes interreligious tension and conflict situations, which help it to firmly keep people in the organization: "Look how the world possessed by the devil hates you..."

It was this incitement of religious hatred (together with causing harm to the health and life of citizens through coercion to refuse blood transfusions, coercion to destroy families and to refuse to fulfill civic duty) that the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, which sought the dissolution of the religious organization Jehovah's Witnesses, tried to prove to the Golovinsky Intermunicipal Court. [158] However, it is extremely difficult to prove such things in court, and the prosecutor's office underestimated this fact. The trial, which lasted two and a half years, ended only in early 2001 with the victory of the Jehovah's Witnesses. The pressure on the court, thanks to the sect's skillfully organized propaganda campaign, was unprecedented. This is also proved by the fact that the Russian Ministry of Justice decided not to wait for the end of the trial and on April 29, 1999, registered the sect as a centralized religious organization under the strange name "Religious Organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia."

The prosecutor's office challenged the decision of the Golovinsky Court and filed a cassation appeal with the Moscow City Court, which overturned the previous decision and returned the case for a new trial to the Golovinsky Court, but in a new judicial composition. But whatever decision is made, the hatred of the Jehovah's Witnesses for other confessions and, above all, for traditional Christianity is obvious.

3. We have before us a system that can be characterized primarily as crudely pagan

It is very difficult to talk about the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses, because it is constantly changing. In the little over a hundred years of the existence of this sect, its doctrine has been rebuilt many times in the most radical way. It can be said that the most invariable point of the Jehovist teaching is its changeability. But all these changes can only come from the organization itself, which determines what its members should believe in at any given moment. Therefore, in the end, the only thing that Jehovah's Witnesses believe in completely and unconditionally is in the organization itself. All other objects of faith (including even Jehovah himself, his attributes and attributes, and his commandments), as history shows, can easily be changed by the leadership of the organization.

This has happened repeatedly, and the new generations of Jehovah's Witnesses do not even suspect that quite recently their organization preached a completely different faith. All the undesirable past is completely erased from their memory. The domination of the past, which Orwell wrote about in the already mentioned novel "1984" ("Who controls the past, controls the present. Who controls the present controls the future") was brought to perfection in the sect of Jehovah's Witnesses.

The following exposition of the doctrine and characteristics of Jehovah's Witnesses refers only to the situation in the last years of the twentieth century and the first year of the twenty-first century. I think this will become clear to the reader from the exposition itself.

Sectarians constantly emphasize that God's name is Jehovah, this is His only name, which for some reason has been rejected by all the churches that call Him anything but by the name by which He called Himself. In the opinion of the Jehovah's Witnesses, this also proves that all churches belong to Satanism. Jehovah is a notoriously distorted pronunciation of the Hebrew word "He Who Is" (now it is considered more correct to pronounce Yahweh). "I am He that is," that is, "He Who is," said the Lord when He appeared to Moses in a burning bush (Exodus 3:14). However, according to the testimony of the Gospel, the name "He Who Is" refers to God the Son – the Lord Jesus Christ (John 8:25 and other passages) as well as to God the Father.