The book of the historian and publicist V.F. Ivanov "The Orthodox World and Freemasonry" was first published in 1935 in Harbin (Manchuria). It contains a concise historical essay on the "Brotherhood of Freemasons"; tells about the penetration of Freemasonry into Russia, its participation in the troubles of 1905-1917: Rich factual and documentary material covering the period from the middle of the XVII century to the first third of the present century is given.

The author gives a concise and at the same time deep analysis of the ideology of Freemasonry and related political organizations, religious sects, occult and theosophical societies, false teachings of H. Blavatsky, N. Roerich, S. Bulgakov, N. Berdyaev, which are intensively propagandized today.

In the context of the problem under study, the pages devoted to the description of the life and spiritual wanderings of the Russian diaspora are of undoubted interest.


Universality of the Masonic Order 2

Rituals, Symbols, and Emblem of Freemasonry 2

The Oath and the Law of Mystery 3

Propaganda is one of the main duties of a Freemason

The Immediate Tasks of Freemasonry 4

The Ultimate Ideal of Freemasonry 5

Freemasonry and Religion 5

Freemasonry and Christianity 5

Religion and Morals of Freemasonry 6

Freemasonry and Satanism 6

Freemasonry and National Christian Statehood 7

Freemasonry, Socialism, Communism and the International Revolution 7

The Superstate as the Ideal of Freemasonry's Achievements 8

History of Freemasonry 8

Freemasonry in Russia 9

The Schism of the Russian Orthodox Church 9

Reign of Peter I 9

The Reign of Anna Ioannovna 10