"Freemasonry. His Beatitude Metropolitan Anthony writes in his epistle of August 15/20, 1932, "an irreconcilable enemy of Christianity. It sets as its goal the destruction of the Church, war with all religions, the shaking of the foundations of the national Christian statehood and the organization of revolutions throughout the world."

And if the first and main task of Freemasonry is the struggle against religion, then its second task is the struggle against the Christian state, historically embodied in the monarchical system. A monarch who relies on a certain religious consciousness of the people, according to the Freemasons, cannot live in peace with other nations. Freemasonry can be reconciled, and only temporarily, with the limited power of the monarch. The ideal of Masonic achievements is the Republic. The idea of democracy, which finds a certain expression in the teachings of the English Freemason Locke, was further developed by the French "enlighteners" – the ideologists of the revolution of 1789, who, as is known for sure, all belonged to Freemasonry. Freemasons Voltaire, Diderot, Montesquieu and, finally, Jean-Jacques Rousseau established the democratic idea through experience and created a democratic movement throughout the world with their work.

The famous formula: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, this charter of political liberty, is a purely Masonic creation.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man is a work of the Masonic mind. It was drafted by Freemasons Thomas Jefferson and Franklin (both of whom later became presidents of America) and announced at the Colonial Congress in Philadelphia in 1776.

The idea of democracy and the rule of the people, the so-called sovereignty of the people, and the theory of the separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial, all this came out of Masonic lodges and was widely spread throughout the world.

But now the idea of democracy is already a well-trodden path. Today, Freemasonry pursues the goal of creating its own state, and modern national states, as obstacles to the victorious march of the Masonic International, must be destroyed...

"The bearers of state power are the enemies of Freemasonry, since state power is a more terrible tyrant than the church." (Acacia, 1903, Ray of Light magazine, book 6, p. 54.)

And in order to destroy this tyrant or make him obedient to itself, Freemasonry seeks allies and helpers among the open enemies of the Church and the state and finds them in the person of socialism and communism.


There is an inner spiritual connection and mutual support between the Masonic and Socialist Internationals. The spiritual mother of socialism and communism is Freemasonry, since the creators of both are 31st degree Freemasons Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

"The triumph of socialism is inevitable, and Freemasonry should go at the head of the movement, and not be towed." (Acacia, 1903) "Only in socialism, and in socialism applied in all its breadth, is the key to the solution of the social question to be found. We consider it to be the logical conclusion of the idea of solidarity of world Freemasonry," says Brother Bedarid.

The socialist revolution is included in the program of achievements of Freemasonry.

"Freemasonry, which prepared the political revolution of 1789, must now prepare a socialist revolution. Freemasons are obliged to go hand in hand with the proletariat. On the side of the former are intellectual forces and creative abilities, the latter have numerical superiority and destructive means. Their unity will bring about the socialist revolution." (Masonic magazine "Acacia", 1910)

"From the day when the alliance of the proletariat and Freemasonry is sealed, we will be an invincible army," proclaimed the Masonic International Conference in Brussels in 1910.