"We strive for the Banner of Peace," Nicholas Roerich declared, "which protects all cultural treasures from vandalism and rudeness both in time of war and in time of peace. After all, we know that in times of so-called peace, vandalism is very often no less rampant than in times of war. We also know that sometimes a war in the spirit is more dangerous than a war in the field. Spiritual murder is even more dangerous and criminal than physical murder." (Newspaper "Zarya", Harbin.)

But Nicholas Roerich is stubbornly silent about communism as the extinguisher of light and spirit, constantly waging a "war in the spirit", and therefore it is not difficult to guess in whose direction these arguments are directed and that under the name of "spiritual murderers" Roerich means the opponents of Freemasonry whom he hates, and it is them that this venerable man stigmatizes with the name of "dark forces".

And one more thing attracts attention. In his literary works, Roerich not only does not condemn communism, but, on the contrary, shows sympathy for it, which, however, is not surprising, since, as mentioned above, the theosophical doctrine in general is inclined to worship "the purest and noblest communism".

III. Fighting for "eternal peace" and international solidarity, Roerich at the same time was a supporter of a radical social revolution, because property, according to him, was theft, and Lenin was a great teacher of a new life.

Here is what we find in the book "Community", published in 1927 with the close participation of Roerich.

"One must prefer the Teacher who follows new paths. With this, the people of the North Country have an excellent example – their Teacher Lenin knew the value of new paths. Every word of his sermon, every act of his bore the stamp of unforgettable novelty" (p. 1).

"Take the appearance of Lenin as a sign of the sensitivity of the Cosmos" (p. 39).

"The Church is burying Christ, we are resurrecting the union of peace, we have already seen how the communist accepts the teaching. We have already seen how easy it is to talk to a Communist" (p.

"So much has been done by Lenin, so much has been revealed by those who built to infinity. Our community has reason to demand new forms. It is easier for us to begin to form a new center than to admit the old signs on new steps" (p. 43).

"It is precisely the phenomenon of universality that must be assimilated. The red color is a symbol of the firmness of the desire to abolish the difference of races" (p. 47).

"Kings, constitutions can evoke a smile of regret" (p. 198).

According to Roerich, mankind should follow these new paths, following the teachers of the new life like Lenin, in order to come to the Kingdom of Astraea, to the earthly Eden. In addition, and in the same words and expressions, the Freemason brothers also call.

IV. The idea of international solidarity and earthly Eden is preached by Roerich through art. At the Roerich Museum there is the Institute of United Arts, where all types of art are taught by famous professors. Several hundred students study painting, sculpture, music, architecture, dramatic art, etc. Young people of all countries strive to get into this institute, and the latter contributes to obtaining permits to enter America for this purpose.

The "Crown of Mundi", or "Center for International Art", aims to establish close international relations in the intellectual and artistic senses. For this purpose, exhibitions and competitions are organized, scientific and art literature is published, and cooperation is established with numerous scientific and artistic organizations scattered around the world.