Nicholas Roerich 34

Conclusions 40

Conclusion 42


"The Order of Free Masons," says Tara Sokolovskaya, a specialist in Freemasonry, "is a worldwide secret society that has set itself the goal of leading mankind to the achievement of the earthly Eden, the golden age, the kingdom of love and truth, the kingdom of Astraea."

A more detailed answer to this question is given by the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of France: "Freemasonry is a world union based on solidarity. The goals of Freemasonry are the moral improvement of mankind. Its motto is Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. In the eyes of Freemasonry, all followers are equal, regardless of national, racial, religious differences, differences in status, rank, and position. Freemasonry affirms the principles of universal morality, equally acceptable to all peoples, in all conditions. It does not set any boundaries in the search for truth. Therefore, it is against the establishment of any dogmas or requirements for belonging to a certain faith. Every Mason is free and guided only by the dictates of his conscience. The Freemasons practice the widest tolerance also in the philosophical and religious spheres, both political and social."


Freemasons, being scattered throughout the world, make up one lodge - the Franco-Masonic.

"The basic character of Freemasonry is internationality. Freemasonry is one, and any ritual or nation that deviates from this principle is mistaken and deviates from the Masonic path. We do not understand real Freemasonry, which could be called English, Scottish, French, American, etc. Is there English, Scottish, French mathematics? No, there is only mathematics, and there is also only Freemasonry. Certain peculiarities in rituals, ceremonies, and forms of reception are not sufficient to nationalize Freemasonry, in spite of its claims to internationality." (Brother Ragon.)

Freemasonry is one, despite some difference in rituals.

The lodge is the world.

Masonic rituals and symbols are of Jewish origin. The legends of the Freemasons, especially the legend of Adoniram, are also of Jewish origin.