1. From the Life of St. Syncliticia

Blessed Syncliticia said: "I knew a certain man who lived a virtuous life. He sat in his cell, watched the attack of thoughts and calculated which thought would be the first, which would be the second, and how long each of them would last, and compared whether the attack of thoughts was stronger or weaker today than yesterday. In this way, he knew exactly the grace of God and his own endurance and success, and overthrew the enemy.

2. It is necessary that we accept such rules and keep them. Those who sell short-lived things make an accounting at the end of each day, and if the profit for the day is large, they rejoice, and if they suffer losses, they grieve. All the more should we be vigilant, for we acquire for ourselves a true treasure and try to acquire for ourselves as many good things as possible. And if the enemy has cheated us even a little, we should be extremely indignant and even burst into tears from the damage suffered. Just don't despair and give up everything because of one mistake.

3. If you have ninety-nine sheep, look for the missing one. Do not be confused by one mistake you have made, do not flee from the Lord because of it, otherwise the devil will seize and destroy the entire flock of your deeds as soon as he notices that the flock has been left without the protection of the Lord. Do not leave the monastic army because of one sin. Our Lord is good, He will receive you as many times as you turn to Him. Therefore, try to receive forgiveness through sincere repentance.

2. From Otechnik

Abba Nisferoi said that a monk should "every evening and every morning give himself an account: what he has done from what God requires and what he has not done from what God forbids. And so check yourself all your life."

2. Abba Moses asked Abba Silouan:

Can a person begin correction every day?

"If he is a worker," the elder answered, "then every hour he can lay the foundation for salvation.

3. The Elder said: "If you have taken up the podvig, but then relaxed, gather yourself again and do not stop doing so until you die. In what a person is caught, they will be judged: in laziness or abstinence. Examine yourself every day and week, month and year, whether you have advanced in silence, fasting, prayer, and especially humility. The true prosperity of the soul is that every day it finds itself more and more humble, so that a person corrects the sins that constantly occur, and considers everyone better than himself. Without such a frame of mind, even if he performs signs and raises the dead, he is still far from God.

4. Abba Benjamin said, "Walk the royal way, count the miles, and do not lose heart."

3 From Saint Isaiah

Constantly think about what exactly you have sinned, and if you pray for your sins, God will forgive you. Constantly judge yourself here (on earth), carefully examine where you have made a mistake, and then you will not experience suffering in the terrible hour of death. Prepare to answer to God, and then you will do His will. Every day, check if you have conquered some passion today, and do not be overconfident. You are not the conqueror, but only the mercy and power of God.

2. When you wake up, remember how you will answer God for every deed, every word and every thought. Then you will not sin before God, and the fear of God will be in you.