Against the Jews

This is what a tormenting thought and a tormenting conscience will say to you every day. What kind of health is it when we have so many accusers inside? But if you endure a little, if you reject and with great disgrace bring out of your house those who would either speak some kind of charm to you, or bind your body with some kind of bandage, now you will receive dew (peace) from your conscience. Let the fever burn as much as you like: your soul will give you coolness better and more salutary than any dew, any moisture. As after taking a magic potion, even if you recover, you will feel worse than those who are sick with fever, from the thought of sin; so now, having rejected those impious ones, although you will suffer from fever and endure many calamities, you will feel yourself better than any healthy person, because your mind will be bright, your soul cheerful and joyful, your conscience will praise you, approve of you, and say: "Good, well, my friend, servant of Christ, faithful man, ascetic of piety, ready to die in misery rather than betray the piety entrusted to (you); on that day (of judgment) thou shalt stand with the martyrs." They have resolved to endure scourging and torture in order to receive honor (from God): and today you have resolved to endure blows and torments from fever and wounds, so as not to accept impious charms and bandages; and, nourished by these hopes (of eternal rewards), you will not feel grievous illnesses. If this fever does not carry you away, then another will, of course; If we do not die now, we will die later. We have received a corruptible body, not in order to be carried away to impiety because of its illnesses, but in order to be strengthened in piety by its diseases. The very corruption and mortality of the body will serve us, if only we are prudent, as the foundation of glory and will bring great boldness on the day (judgment), and not only on that day, but also in the present life. For when thou hast driven the sorcerers out of the house with great disgrace, when they hear of it, they will praise thee, and be amazed, and shall say to one another, So-and-so, in sickness and sickness, though some have begged him, persuaded him, and persuaded him to use some magic potions, has not accepted them, but said, It is better to die thus than to betray godliness. Then there will be many applause from the listeners, who will all be amazed, glorifying God. And how many statues will be more honorable for you, how many paintings more glorious, what honor more famous? Everything (and you) will be praised, blessed, and crowned; and they themselves will be better, they will be jealous and will imitate your courage. If another does the same (as you), it is you who will receive the reward, as the one who initiated this zeal. However, the consequence of your good deed will be not only praise, but also the speediest cessation of your illness, because even your most valiant determination will move God to greater favor, and all the saints will rejoice with your zeal and pray for you from the depths of their hearts. And if there are such rewards for this courage here, then think how many crowns you will receive there, when Christ, in the presence of all the angels and archangels, comes, and taking you by the hand, leads you out into the midst of that spectacle, and says in the ears of all: "This man, who was once enveloped in a fire of fire, when so many urged him to be cured of his sickness, for my name and fear, lest he offend Me in any way, he rejected and despised those who promised to cure him by (magical) means, and resolved rather to die of illness than to betray his love for Me." For if (Christ) brings out into the midst (glorifies) those who gave Him to drink, clothed and nourished Him, how much more so those who for His sake decided to endure the torments of the fire. It is not the same whether to give bread and clothing, or to endure a prolonged illness; no, the latter is much more difficult than the former. And the greater the work, the more brilliant the crown will be. Let us ponder about this ourselves, both the healthy and the sick, and talk to others; And when we ever see ourselves in a severe fever, let us say to ourselves this: "What if someone brought an accusation against us, then dragged us to court, and there they seized us and began to beat us on the sides, would we not have to endure everything in our will, and moreover without any benefit or reward?" let us also imagine the reward for patience, which can encourage even a soul that has fallen into despondency. But if the fever is cruel? So compare with this fever the fire of Gehenna, which you will surely escape if you decide to patiently endure this disease. Remember the apostles, how much they suffered; Remember the righteous, how they were constantly in sorrows. Remember Blessed Timothy – he never had rest from illness, but lived in constant illness. Pointing to this, Paul said: "Little wine has been taken by the stomah for thy sake and for thy frequent infirmities" (1 Tim. V, 23). But if such a righteous man and saint, who was entrusted with the government of the universe, who raised the dead, cast out demons, and healed others of innumerable diseases, if he suffered so severely; then what excuse will you have, who even in short-term illnesses are troubled and murmur? Have you not heard how the Scriptures say that the Lord loves him, chastens him, and smites every son, and receives him (Heb. XII, 6)? How many and how many times did they want to receive the crown of martyrdom? This (patience in sickness) is a real martyr's crown! A martyr is not only one who, having received a command (from the torturer) to offer sacrifice (to the pagan gods), decided to die rather than offer this sacrifice; no, martyrdom is obviously also when a person generally observes (for Christ's sake) something that can bring death upon himself.


And in order to convince you that this is exactly so, remember how John (the Baptist) died, why and why, and how Abel. Neither one nor the other of them saw either the burning altar (idol) or the standing idol, and was not compelled to offer sacrifice to demons; but one was beheaded for rebuking Herod, and the other was killed because he offered a better sacrifice to God than his brother. Did they not receive the crowns of martyrdom? Who would dare to say that? The very nature of their death can attest to everyone that they stand among the first martyrs. But if you want to see God's decree about this, listen to what Paul says; and what he proclaims is evidently the Spirit: for I think, and I, he says of himself, have the Spirit of God (1 Cor. VII, 40). What does Paul say? - Beginning with Abel, and saying that he offered a greater sacrifice than Cain to God, and by this the dead man still saith (Heb. XI, 4), then going over to the prophets, when he came to John, and saying, "By the sword he died, but the friends were tempted" (v. 37), and having mentioned a multitude of different deaths, Paul concluded thus: "For in the same way we, who have a cloud of witnesses (martyrs) around us, put aside all pride, let us flow with patience" (XII, 1). You see that he called Abel, and Noah, and Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob martyrs. For they also died for God's sake, just as Paul says of himself, "I die all my days" (1 Cor. XV, 31), although he did not actually die, but only by his willingness (to die) did he endure death. In the same way, if you reject sorcery, charms, and divination, and die of illness, you will be a perfect martyr, because when they promised you recovery through impiety, you decided better to die with piety. This is what we say to those who boast and say that demons heal. And in order for you to be convinced that this is not true, listen to what Christ says about the devil: "He is a murderer from time immemorial" (John 1:10). VIII, 44). God says: murderer, and you run like to a doctor? Tell me, what answer will you give to the accusation that you believe the deceptions of these people more than the words of Christ? If God says that (the devil) is a murderer, and these people, contrary to God's decision, say that he can heal diseases, and you take their charms and magic medicines, then by this act you show that you believe in them more than in Christ, although you do not express this in words. And if the devil is a murderer, then, obviously, so are his servants - demons. This is what Christ actually showed you: when He allowed them to enter the herd of swine, they drowned the whole herd in the sea (Luke 2:10). VIII, 33), that thou mayest know that they would do the same to men, and would destroy them forthwith, if God had permitted them. For if they did not spare the swine, how much more would they not have spared us. Therefore, beloved, do not be carried away by their deceptions, but be firm in the fear of God. How will you enter the synagogue? If you seal your face (with the sign of the cross), all the power of the enemy that dwells in the synagogue will immediately flee; and if you do not seal it, then at the very entrance you will throw down your weapons, and then the devil, finding you defenseless and unarmed, will do you a great deal of harm. But why should we talk about this? That you yourself consider it the greatest sin to go to that unclean place (synagogue) is evident from the way you go there. You try to go there secretly, and forbid your servants, friends, and neighbors to denounce you to the priests; and if someone informs you, you are angry. How mad it is to try to hide from people, and in the eyes of the omnipresent God, to commit such iniquity without shame? But you are not afraid of God? So be ashamed of the Jews themselves. With what eyes will you look at them? What language will you use to speak to them when, professing that you are a Christian, you run to their synagogues and ask them for help? Or do you not think what laughter they raise at you, what abuse, what reproach, what shame, what disgrace, if not openly, then in your conscience?


Is it possible, tell me, to endure, is it possible to endure this? If it were necessary to die a thousand times, if it were necessary to endure the most grievous sufferings, would it not be better to endure all these sufferings than to become an object of ridicule and mockery for these wicked people, and to live with a bad conscience? I say this not only that you may listen, but that you may heal those who are sick with this disease. Just as we reproach them for being weak in faith, so we reproach you for not wanting to correct the weak. Is it the point, beloved, that you should come out here and listen to a sermon? This is what leads to condemnation, when the deed itself is not connected with the hearing of the teachings. You are a Christian in order that you may imitate Christ and obey His law. What did He do? He did not sit in Jerusalem and did not call the sick to Himself, but went about the cities and villages, healing illnesses - both physical and mental. Of course, He could, being in one place, draw everyone to Himself: yet He did not do this, giving us an example of how (we should) go everywhere and look for the lost. He pointed to the same thing in the parable of the shepherd. And this one did not sit down with the ninety-nine sheep, nor waited until the lost one came to him; no, he went himself, found her, and having found her, he put her on his shoulders, and brought her (Luke 1:11). XV, 4-6). Do you not see that doctors do the same? They do not demand that the sick lying on their beds be brought to their homes, but come to them themselves. Do the same, beloved, knowing that the present life is short, and that if we (here) do not gather such acquisitions, there we will not receive salvation in any way. Often the acquisition of even one soul can destroy the burden of innumerable sins, and become a ransom for us on the Day of Judgment. Think why prophets were sent so often, why apostles, why righteous men, why angels? Why did the Only-begotten Son of God Himself come? Isn't it to save people? Is it not in order to return those who have gone astray to the path? Do this also according to your strength, show all your diligence and concern for the return of those who have gone astray to the path (of truth). To this I constantly urge you in every meeting, and whether you will listen or not, I will not cease to speak. We have been ordained by God by law to perform this ministry, whether anyone will listen or not. Only if you will listen to and do our words, we will do it with great pleasure; but if you are careless and careless, with great sorrow. For we will certainly not be harmed by your disobedience, because we have done our duty; Yet, although we ourselves are safe in doing our duty, we grieve that you will be accused in that day. Yes, hearing (of teachings) will not be safe for you if it is not accompanied by deeds. Listen to how Christ, while condemning teachers for hiding the word, at the same time threatens those who are being taught. Having said, "Thou hast befitted thee to give My silver as a merchant," and adding, "And when I came, I took my money with interest" (Matt. XXV, 27), by this He showed that those who have received instruction, after hearing it (this is the giving of silver), must make a profit. And the profit of learning consists in nothing else but in deeds. Therefore, since we also have delivered the silver (teachings) to your ears, it is necessary that you should present to the Lord the profit, that is, the salvation of your brethren. Therefore, if you only keep these words of mine within you, and do nothing yourself, I am afraid that you will not be condemned like one who buried a talent. For he also was bound hand and foot, and was cast out into utter darkness (Matt. XXV, 30) because he did not convey to others what he himself heard. Therefore, in order that we also may not suffer the same fate, let us imitate those who have received five and two talents; and whether it is necessary to use a word, or money, or bodily labor, or anything else for the salvation of our neighbor, let us not be lazy, so that, having multiplied the talent given to us by God in every possible way, each in his own measure, we may hear this blessed voice: "Good, good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful in a little, I will set thee over many: enter into the joy of thy Lord" (Matt. XXV, 21). May we be vouchsafed it, according to the grace and love of mankind of our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom and with Whom be glory and dominion to the Father, together with the Holy Spirit, unto the ages of ages. Amen.


"Your prophets are our prophets." Speech of Patriarch Alexy II, delivered in New York at a meeting with rabbis (13.11.1991)

Dear brothers, I wish you a sholom in the name of the God of love and peace! God. of our fathers, who manifested Himself to His saint Moses in the burning bush, in the flame of a burning thorn bush, and said: "I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob." He is the Eternal God and Father of all, and we are all brothers, for we are all children of his Old Covenant at Sinai, which in the New Testament, as we Christians believe, is renewed by Christ. These two testaments are two stages of one and the same divine-human religion, two moments of one and the same divine-human process. In this process of establishing God's covenant with man, Israel became God's chosen people, to whom the laws and prophets were entrusted. And through him the incarnate Son of God received His "humanity" from the Most-Pure Virgin Mary. "This blood relationship is not interrupted and does not cease even after the Nativity of Christ... And therefore we, Christians, must feel and experience this kinship as a touch of the incomprehensible mystery of God's providence." This was very well expressed by the outstanding hierarch and theologian of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Nikanor (Brovkovich) of Kherson and Odessa, in a sermon delivered in Odessa more than a hundred years ago.

The main idea of this sermon is the closest kinship between the Old Testament and New Testament religions. The unity of Judaism and Christianity has a real basis for spiritual and natural kinship and positive religious processes. We are one with the Jews, not rejecting Christianity, not contrary to Christianity, but in the name and by virtue of Christianity, and the Jews are one with us not in spite of Judaism, but in the name and by virtue of true Judaism. We are separated from the Jews because we are not yet "fully Christians," and the Jews are separated from us because they are "not fully Jews." For the fullness of Christianity embraces Judaism as well, and the fullness of Judaism is Christianity.

Archbishop Nicholas (Ziorov) addressed the Jews in the same spirit at the beginning of this century. "The Jewish people are close to us in faith. Your law is our law, your prophets are our prophets. The Ten Commandments of Moses oblige Christians as well as Jews. We wish to live with you always in peace and harmony, so that there are no misunderstandings, enmity and hatred between us."

Unfortunately, today, in a difficult time for our society, anti-Semitic sentiments manifest themselves in our lives quite often. These sentiments, which are prevalent among extreme extremists, right-wing chauvinist groups, have a breeding ground; a general crisis, the growth of national isolation... The task of the Russian Church is to help our people overcome the alo of isolation, ethnic enmity, and narrow egoistic national chauvinism. In this difficult but entourage for all of us, we hope for the understanding and help of our Jewish brothers and sisters. Together, we will build a new society – democratic, free, open, from which no one would want to leave anymore and where Jews would live confidently and peacefully, in an atmosphere of friendship, creative cooperation and brotherhood of the children of one God – the Father of all, the God of your fathers and ours.

On the iconostasis of our Russian church in Jerusalem are inscribed the words of the Psalmist: "Ask for peace to Jerusalem." This is what we all need now – both yours and our people, and other nations, for just as our God is the one Father of all people, so the world is from Him, one and indivisible for all His children.

Moscow News. 26.1.1992