Against the Jews

While in Armenia, Saint John tried to strengthen his spiritual children. In numerous letters (245 of them have survived) to the bishops of Asia, Africa, Europe and his friends in Constantinople, he consoled the suffering, instructed and supported his adherents. In the winter of 406 the saint was bedridden by illness. But his enemies did not calm down. An order came from the capital to transfer him to the remote Pitnus (Pitsunda, in Abkhazia). Exhausted by illness, the saint, accompanied by an escort, made his last march for three months in the rain and heat. In Comana, his forces left him. At the crypt of Saint Basiliscus (+ c. 308, Comm. 22 May), comforted by the appearance of the martyr ("Do not lose heart, brother John! Tomorrow we will be together"), having communed of the Holy Mysteries, the ecumenical hierarch departed to the Lord with the words "Glory to God for everything!"

Saint John Chrysostom died on September 14, 407, but for the sake of the feast of the Exaltation of the Life-Creating Cross of the Lord, the memory of the saint was transferred to November 13. On January 27, the transfer of the holy relics of St. John Chrysostom from Comana to Constantinople is commemorated, and on January 30, the Council celebrates the Three Ecumenical Teachers and Hierarchs.

Saint John Chrysostom was buried in Comana. In the year 438, Proclus, Patriarch of Constantinople (434-447), performing Divine services in the church of Hagia Sophia, pronounced a eulogy in memory of his great teacher, in which he compared Saint John Chrysostom with Saint John, the Forerunner of the Lord, who preached repentance and also suffered for the denunciation of vices. The people, burning with love for Saint John Chrysostom, not allowing the Patriarch to finish his words, began to unanimously beseech him to appeal to the emperor with a request to transfer the holy relics of the saint from Comana to Constantinople. Saint Proclus went to the emperor Theodosius II (408-450) and on behalf of the Church and the people asked him for this. The emperor agreed and sent special envoys to Comana with a silver reliquary in order to transport the holy relics with honor. The inhabitants of Coman deeply grieved that they were being deprived of a great treasure, but could not resist the royal decree. When the imperial envoys approached the grave of Saint John, they were unable to take his relics. Then the emperor, in repentance, wrote an epistle to the saint, asking him forgiveness for himself and for his mother Eudoxia. This epistle was read at the grave of Saint John, placed on it and they performed an all-night vigil. Then they approached the tomb, lightly lifted up the relics and carried them onto the ship (the tomb of Saint John remained in Comana, near Pitsunda). At the same time the healing of the wretched man took place, venerating the veil from the grave of the saint. Upon the arrival of the relics of Saint John in Constantinople, on January 27, 438, the whole city, headed by Patriarch Proclus, the emperor Theodosius, with all his synclitus and a multitude of people, went out to meet them. A multitude of clergymen with candles, censers and banners took the silver reliquary and with hymns brought it into the church of the Holy Martyress Irene. When Patriarch Proclus opened the coffin, the body of Saint John turned out to be incorrupt, and a fragrance emanated from it. Falling down at the grave, the emperor Theodosius II with tears besought the saint to forgive his mother. The people did not leave the shrine all day and all night. In the morning the relics of the saint were taken to the cathedral church of the Holy Apostles. When the reliquary was placed on the patriarchal throne, all the people with one mouth exclaimed: "Accept thy throne, father!" — and Patriarch Proclus with many who stood at the reliquary saw how Saint John opened his mouth and pronounced: "Peace be unto all!"

In the ninth century, Joseph the Hymn-Writer, Cosmas Vestitor and others wrote hymns in honor of the transfer of the relics of St. John Chrysostom, which are still sung by the Church in memory of this event.

The text is quoted from: Service Menaion. January. Part 2.— Published by the Moscow Patriarchate, 1983, pp. 404–406.

Troparion to St. John Chrysostom, tone 8:

With thy lips, like the brightness of fire, shining grace, enlighten the universe; Not the love of money of the world is the treasure of the world, the height of humility is shown to us, but punishing us with your words, Father John Chrysostom, pray to the Word of Christ God to save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 6:

Thou didst receive Divine grace from heaven, and through thy lips thou didst teach all to worship in the Trinity the One God, the all-blessed John Chrysostom, the venerable one, we worthily praise thee: for thou art a teacher, as a divine one.


Eight "sermons against the Jews" were pronounced by St. John Chrysostom in Antioch in two stages: the first three in the autumn of 386, and the last five in the autumn of 387. The reason for their pronunciation was the sad circumstance that many Christians - either out of old habit, or out of ignorance and enthusiasm - took part in the feasts and fasts observed by the local Jews, and attended synagogues. It is against this folly that the words of Chrysostom are directed, who explains in them that Judaism has already lost its significance and therefore the observance of its rites is contrary to the will of God. The first word was spoken shortly after the first word against the Anomoeans. It is precisely this that is indicated in the opening lines of the first word.