Mysticism or spirituality? Heresies against Christianity.

Features of ascetic practice and musical culture

Instrumental Music and Christian Worship

On Ancient Christian Cult Singing

Western Musical Culture After the Separation of the Churches

Features of Russian Musical Culture

The mystical meaning of the story by A.S. Pushkin "The Queen of Spades"

The era described in The Queen of Spades

"The Queen of Spades" is a response to the Freemasons

About the Queen of Spades genre

Astrological aspect of myth

An Aspect of Occult Genesis

Culturological aspect

Psychological aspect

The Aspect of Initiation

Pushkin as a prophet of modern times

"The Queen of Spades" is a mystical work

The Metaphysics of the Fall in Lermontov's Drama "Masquerade"

Lermontov's drama as a myth

The metaphysical essence of the mask

The metaphysical essence of the characters