Mysticism or spirituality? Heresies against Christianity.

It is this that gives us the right to define the genre of this work as a myth containing secret knowledge, moreover, a myth that is used in occult initiation. The only difference between this artistic myth and the real occult is that it contains Pushkin's commentaries, through which the author's attitude to the myth is constantly visible. Sometimes the author's irony reaches such strength that the myth turns into a tragifarce, into a kind of occult comedy, in which the characters become symbolic personifications of the passions living in a person and the parts of his soul that have disintegrated under the influence of sin. But, nevertheless, the story retains all the features inherent in an ordinary literary work. Therefore, the genre of this work can also be defined as a philosophical story about Masonic metaphysics, but only metaphysics is expressed here in artistic images.

The language of myth most adequately expresses pagan thinking, so the myth itself appropriately forms consciousness, or rather the subconscious, since myth is addressed to the subconscious. The Masonic myth has long nourished the subconscious of the intellectual part of Russian society. Pushkin writes his own version of the myth, but his work no longer fills the subconscious with Masonic images and symbols, but banishes them from it. The subconscious world of the myth built by Pushkin is now saturated with Christian symbolism. It is difficult to say whether Pushkin consciously builds such a myth? Most likely, this work is the fruit of his brilliant intuition. Making such a grandiose synthesis, Pushkin, of course, could not consciously embrace the entire infinity of the meanings that he introduces into the context of the story. But even such an unconscious construction of a myth suggests that Pushkin was familiar with this myth in detail.

Astrological aspect


Pushkin's myth, as well as that of the Freemasons, has several mystical aspects. At that time, the nobility's passion for astrology was very widespread. Alexander Sergeyevich, as if responding to this interest of the nobility in occult psychology, encrypts astrological information through characters (they symbolize astrological planets), place of action (houses of characters, symbolizing astrological planetary houses), time of action (Pushkin notes it each time with incomprehensible pedantry). There are seven main characters in the story: Hermann, the countess, Lizaveta Ivanovna, Tomsky, Narumov, Chekalinsky, Surin. The rest of the acting characters are not called either by name or surname; This number of acting characters was not chosen by Pushkin at all, if we take into account the astrological aspect we are considering, because in classical astrology only the action of seven planets is taken into account, which form the seven active causes of nature. In ancient times, only seven planets were known, and the seven days of the week were named after them in European languages.

It is not so difficult to identify the characters with the planets, because Pushkin gives very accurate characteristics for this. The main character of Hermann is undoubtedly Hermes (Mercury). The first part of his name (surname, more on this later) according to the sounds of Germ... repeats the beginning of the name of Hermes. Hermes Trismegistus ("thrice greatest"), the main character of Masonic mystical treatises. He possesses occult knowledge, the art of divination and witchcraft. This secret "science" itself is called hermeneutics. Hermes was identified with the Egyptian god Thoth. He wrote a holy book, in which, in the form of capacious symbols-arcana, he told mortals about the occult secrets of the world. Playing cards are Tarot cards (the so-called Minor Arcana), visual symbols of the Arcana. Therefore, Hermann's interest in playing cards is not so much a manifestation of a gambling passion for the game as an unquenchable desire to obtain secret occult knowledge that gives power over the world. However, astrologically, Mercury contributes to the acquisition of "fast" money. The game is also a quick way to get rich, as Hermann thinks. In Pushkin's work, Hermann is the main character, but according to the occult teaching, Mercury is the anima mundi (soul of the world) – "the real mover of the heavens", and the heart of Mercury is located at the pole, around which the starry sky revolves. Therefore, the central position of the figure of Hermann, the appeal of all the characters to him is not accidental – in all aspects, including the astrological, all occult action revolves around him. In this sense, it is interesting that Mercury has in occultism a synonym for Deus absconditus ("hidden God" or hellfire). This god dwells at the North Pole and manifests himself through magnetism.

Female characters can be identified with the planets quite easily, because there are only two of them: the countess and Lizaveta Ivanovna. And there are only two planets that are called female names in traditional astrology: Venus and the Moon. But which of them is the Moon, and which is Venus? In one place, Pushkin tells about how the countess was called in Paris in her youth – she was called la Venus moscovite (Moscow Venus). And this is not just a classic characteristic of her youth and beauty. This is also its astrological affiliation. In astrology, Venus was called the "merciful night star". The Countess is nocturnal. At night, she is always awake: she has insomnia.

The image of Elizabeth Ivanovna in Pushkin is painted with special warmth. He constantly emphasizes her humility, her martyrdom, her compassion, but also her dependence on all the other characters. In this noble assembly, it does not seem to have a full noble status, it is a reflection of others – it is not recognized as an independent subject, it is not even noticed, as it were. But the moon is the luminary that does not have the degree of independence that other planets have. The Moon is a satellite, and as a satellite it is dependent on the main planet, that is, it does not have the same status as all other planets. The moon shines with reflected light. But at the same time, in the astrological circle of planets, it occupies an equal place with them. Lizaveta Ivanovna's status in society and in the Countess's house is a figurative characteristic of her lunar position among the planets. Lisa is drawn to Hermann – like follows like – the relief and physical characteristics of Mercury are very similar to those of the Moon.

Pushkin ascribes to Tomsky the characteristic features of Mars. Tchaikovsky felt this for sure when he put into Tomsky's mouth the famous song about the maidens sitting on his arms like birds on the branches of a tree. Pushkin endows him with obvious features of red tape, who knows how to talk to any woman. In astrology, the main action of Mars is associated with sexual male energy. In mythology, Mars is the god of war, but Tomsky is also a warrior. Pushkin gives, at first glance, a very neutral, descriptive characterization of him: "a young officer", but this colorless description contains precisely his mythological and astrological characteristics as a character who performs precisely this astrological function in his myth.

Chekalinsky, despite the fact that he is not the main character, plays a very important plot and mystical role in the story. As an astrological character, he is also at the center of events, to which all characters are attracted. The card table at which he sits attracts all the characters who are active and acted in the past. What is a Card Table?