Archimandrite Ambrose Yurasov - On Faith and Salvation. FAQ. - 2008

79. How to fight lust and voluptuousness?

80. How to get rid of greed?

81. What is a "spiritual man"? Is spirituality given to a person by God or can it be developed? How?

82. How to treat people who slander, betray, get out of work?

83. What to do when temptations come?

84. How can we learn not to be irritated?

85. Why is it easy to be close to some people, why do you feel spiritual joy, but it is difficult to communicate with others?

86. If you have no patience, how can you get it?

87. How can we get rid of hardness of heart?

88. Sometimes a person feels as if he has been abandoned by God. Why does this happen?

89. I pray a lot, but I don't feel well, God doesn't help me well...

90. I'm tired of life: everything is so bad. Why doesn't God hear me?

91. There is a desire to go to another world. How to get out of this state?

92. Is it possible to grieve without despair?

93. How to get rid of despondency?

94. What should I do: my son is discouraged, he says that his soul is bad. He is 13 years old...

95. What is the difference between repentant crying and hysterical crying?

96. Which is higher: humility or obedience?

97. What is obedience – to obey everyone or only to the spiritual father and superiors?

98. I am a novice, I do not like my obedience. What should I do?

99. Why does mental fatigue occur? Can the soul be empty?

100. As long as he did not go to church, he did not think about anything, he lived more or less calmly. But he began to walk, and trouble began in his soul. What is this? Maybe the demons are tormenting me? How to resist them?

101. The Holy Fathers advise us not to trust our hearts, and we consider conscience to be the voice of God in our souls. How can we distinguish between the voice of God and the voice of a sinful heart?

102. If a person in earthly life is happy and rich, prosperous, does this mean that he is a great sinner and will certainly be in hell?

103. How to Spend the Day of God's Way?

104. You want to have time to do a lot, but there is not enough time. How to choose the right thing for the soul, for its salvation. What to read?

105. What should you do if you can't improve?

106. What is "spiritual almsgiving"?