Hieromonk Isaac

Apparition in a dream

Catherine Pater's testimony: "I suffer from osteoporosis. One doctor prescribed me pills. I started drinking them and lost ten kilograms in a few days. I felt very bad, I was very exhausted. One evening, going to bed, I looked at a photograph of the Elder and said to him: "Father, I am not feeling well." And so he appeared to me in a dream and said: "I have come because you called me. Read a piece of paper that is enclosed in the package with the pills that you take." After that, he disappeared. I jumped out of bed, pulled a piece of paper out of the pill box, and when I read it, I saw that these pills were intended for obese people. Oh, if I continued to drink them, I would definitely give my soul to God! And the Elder is next to us, we just don't see him."

Miraculous Appearance and Help

Testimony of a resident of the city of Paphos in Cyprus, Mr. Nikolaos Xinaris: "I am a plumber. One day, in July 1997, after finishing work, I was collecting tools and putting them in the car. It was getting dark, it was hard to see. Next to the machine was stretched a wire on which clothes are dried, and on it another piece of wire dangled from the edge. The sharp edge of this piece was bent like a hook - two centimeters long. In the darkness I did not notice him. Having collected the tools, I carried them to the car and came across a hook that stuck right in my eye. I froze in place, like a fish caught on a hook. With all my might, I shouted: "Help!" The owner of the house where I worked ran out, saw me and promised that he would pull out this hook now. I refused, fearing that by pulling out the hook he would make me blind. I asked him to bring wire cutters from my car – to bite off the wire and take me to the trauma center so that the doctors could pull the wire out of my eye.

While he was looking for wire cutters in the car, I cried, I felt sorry for the children. I have three of them, and I didn't want their father to be blind.

And at that moment a thin man dressed in a black cassock appeared in front of me. When I saw him, I crossed myself. I started shivering. I felt him take me with his hand below my cheek and push my head up. At the same moment, a piece of wire jumped out of my eye.

When the owner brought the wire cutters, they were not needed. He took me to the trauma center. The doctors examined me, I told them what had happened to me, but they did not believe me. On my eye, right on the pupil, there was a trace of a cut. The doctors gave me an ointment and said that I had to wear a bandage on my eye for three or four days.

The next day, I went into the store and saw a photo of a person who appeared to me on the wall. I asked the owner of the store who he was. She said that this is a very famous monk, his name is Paisius. I wanted to buy this photo from her at all costs, because it was priceless to me. I began to ask the hostess to sell it to me, offering her any money for this photo, but instead of a photo, she gave me a book about Elder Paisios. I read this book in a day. And now it is always in my car – like a shrine guarding me."

Tangible Presence