Hieromonk Isaac

The scale, depth and dignity of the Elder's Offering to the world would be impossible to describe and objectively assess in a few pages of this book. Having within himself a variety of Divine gifts, the Elder naturally and naturally, without human efforts and tearful efforts, passed on the wealth of Divine Grace to souls perishing from hunger. Our book mentions only some of the aspects of his Offering – something in which he especially helped people.

Wishing to avoid inaccuracies and mistakes, we presented what we had written for the judgment and verification of the spiritual children of Elder Paisios and other fathers. We express much gratitude and appreciation to our spiritual brothers for the corrections and additions they have made. Their help in working on the book came from the bottom of their hearts and was substantial. Without it, the "Life" of the Elder would have come out very imperfect and would have contained many errors.

We are grateful to the brothers and sisters who contributed to the book and provided us with various information, as well as to all those who reviewed and corrected the text, spending a great deal of time and labor to complete this work. We also express our gratitude to those who tried to make the publication better and contributed to its publication ten years after the death of the Elder.

We express our special gratitude to our esteemed Elder Gregory, tonsured by Elder Paisios and spiritual father of the Convent of the Venerable Forerunner in the village of Metamorfosi in Chalkidiki, for supporting us in every possible way during the work on the book and for covering the costs associated with printing and other expenses for the Greek edition of this "Life".

We consider it necessary to make some remarks that make it easier for the reader to get acquainted with the book.

Many of the actions and words of the Elder become clear from the general context of his life. One should not unwisely generalize everything that the Elder said. Some of his words were uttered on a specific occasion and were not intended for everyone. As the Elder himself said: "One and the same medicine can bring both benefit and harm, depending on the human body."

The book speaks of the Elder's attitude to various church-wide, national, monastic, and other problems. It should be emphasized that the position of the Elder was completely spiritual and dispassionate. Therefore, these issues are covered in the book without the slightest desire to offend or compromise anyone.

Eyewitness accounts are placed in the book in the form in which they were handed over to us. Some extensive testimonies have been abbreviated without changing the general meaning. The wishes of those who submitted certificates with a request not to be named were taken into account.

Dates are given according to the old style. Where the date is given according to the new style, there are letters: "n. st."

Заканчивая вводную часть, признаемся в том, что на этих страницах мы не в состоянии по достоинству выразить Старцу нашу признательность и благодарность за все то, что он нам дал. Мы можем лишь сердечно просить его простить нас, если в чемто мы согрешили против его любви, и в особенности за то, что дерзнули издать его «Житие». Однако просим Старца молиться о том, чтобы Бог просветил умы читающих эту книгу, чтобы они поняли ее правильно и получили духовную пользу. Осознавая свои несовершенства и недостатки, мы с благодарностью примем любые замечания и советы, происходящие от стремления к более ясному проявлению истины.

Если читатель встретит в описании благоуханных подвигов Старца какието ошибки, то виноват в них не Старец Паисий и не его биограф отец Исаак, но те, кто завершил работу над этой книгой и ее издал.

Однако если чьято душа, согревшись огнем подвигов Старца Паисия, сама начнет духовную борьбу, то пусть она прославит покланяемое имя Великого Бога и Спаса нашего Иисуса Христа,«Ему же слава и поклонение со Отцем и Святым Духом во веки.Аминь».