
1. monozygotic or dizygotic twins with separate amnions57, chorions58 and placentas;

2. monozygotic or dizygotic twins with separate amniions and chorions, but with a common placenta;

3. monozygotic twins with separate amnions, but with a common chorion and a common placenta;

4. Monozygotic twins with a common amnion, chorion, and placenta.

In the figure: 1 - each fetus has its own amniotic sac and its own placenta; 2 - both babies share the placenta, but each has its own amniotic sac; 3 - both have one common amniotic sac, but they are separated by fetal membranes, both placentas have fused; 4 - both fetuses have one common amniotic sac and one common placenta.

In [68] it is reported that "the existence of common fetal 'appendages', in particular the common placenta, can lead to the connection of 2 placental circulations." In [69] we read: "In monochorionic pregnancy, there is always blood circulation between the fetuses, but all anastomoses function in two directions and the vasculature is balanced." The website "Science and Technology"59 contains an article [71]. It is about the Nobel laureate Peter Brian Medawar. In particular, we find the following lines: "Medawar and Burnet were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1960 "for the discovery of acquired immunological tolerance." That is, starting from 1947, scientific research continued, which by 1954 culminated in a scientific discovery, which was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1960 by the scientific world. What is the essence of the discovery? The bottom line is that the blood of a person or animal may contain the so-called chimerism by blood groups, that is, "... at birth, throughout life, a person has erythrocytes that react with both anti-A and anti-O serum. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that in twins with developed vascular connections during intrauterine life, erythrocytes of group A enter the body of the twin with group O, "take root" there and reproduce throughout life" [72].

In [73] we find even more interesting information:

"However, cross-circulation between dizygotic twins occurs, since chimerism by blood groups has been found. Several cases of the presence of a small population of erythrocytes in a dizygotic twin, differing in group affiliation from the rest of its erythrocytes, have been described. The primordial hematopoietic cells of the second twin "settled" in the body of the chimera twin during intrauterine development. In all such cases, the chimera twin has immunological tolerance - engraftment of a skin graft from the other twin. Sometimes both twins are chimeras, and sometimes only one of them. In dizygotic twins, the same cross-exchange of leukocyte precursors is possible. In boys descended from a dizygotic pair of opposite-sex twins, characteristic polymorphonuclear leukocytes with "drumsticks" typical of female leukocytes were found (see page 28). In several cases, when studying the chromosomal set of leukocytes, a karyotype characteristic of the other sex was found, i.e. in female twins, some cells belong to type XY."

Thus, the possibility of blood exchange in twins was known at almost the same time that Jehovah's Witnesses proclaimed their law on "abstaining from blood" in the mid-1940s, attributing its authorship to Jehovah.60 Moreover, Siamese twins, who share part of their circulatory system, were born before the conclusions of Jehovah's Witnesses, and the anonymous authors of the OSB publications were probably aware of their existence. By their reasoning, Jehovah's Witnesses placed the twins "outside the law" supposedly given by God.

It turns out the following: on the one hand, the "law" of Jehovah's Witnesses, on the other hand, the exchange of blood in twins. Note that blood exchange occurs regardless of the desire or unwillingness of specific people. There can be two consequences from this: 1) either the twins are sinful from birth, because they have broken the law, according to the customs of Jehovah's Witnesses, they are outside of communication, 2) or there is no law at all. To accept the first is akin to accusing a man who is blind from birth that he is blind. The second is much more likely.


The ignorance of OSB in medical matters, in particular in matters related to blood, its functions in the human body, its properties, etc., extends to the point that they compare blood transfusion with eating it, and even more so, identify it.