
22 And all the Israelites that were hiding in the mountain of Ephraim, when they heard that the Philistines had fled, also joined their own in battle.

23 And the Lord saved Israel in that day; and the battle extended even as far as Beth-Aben. [All the men with Saul were up to ten thousand, and the battle was fought all over the city on Mount Ephraim.]

24 The people of Israel were weary that day; And Saul [very recklessly] cursed the people, saying, "Cursed be he who eats bread until evening, until I take vengeance on my enemies." And none of the people partook of the food.

25 And all the people went into the forest, and there was honey in the clearing.

26 And the people went into the forest, saying, 'Behold, honey is flowing.' But no one stretched out his hand to his mouth, for the people feared the curse.

27 And Jonathan did not hear when his father adjured the people, and he stretched out the end of the stick that was in his hand, and dipped it in the honeycomb, and turned his hand to his mouth, and his eyes were brightened.

28 And one of the people said to him, saying, 'Your father has cursed the people, saying, 'Cursed is he who eats food today.' because of this, the people were exhausted.

29 And Jonathan said, "My father has troubled the land; Look, my eyes brightened when I tasted a little of this honey;

30 And if the people had eaten this day of the spoil which they had found among their enemies, would not the Philistines have been a greater defeat?

31 И поражали Филистимлян в тот день от Михмаса до Аиалона, и народ очень истомился.

32 И кинулся народ на добычу, и брали овец, волов и телят, и заколали на земле, и ел народ с кровью.

33 И возвестили Саулу, говоря: вот, народ грешит пред Господом, ест с кровью. И сказал Саул: вы согрешили; привалите ко мне теперь большой камень.

34 Потом сказал Саул: пройдите между народом и скажите ему: пусть каждый приводит ко мне своего вола и каждый свою овцу, и заколайте здесь и ешьте, и не грешите пред Господом, не ешьте с кровью. И приводили все из народа, каждый своею рукою, вола своего [и свою овцу] ночью, и заколали там.

35 И устроил Саул жертвенник Господу: то был первый жертвенник, поставленный им Господу.