
«… Jehovah's Witnesses describe themselves as people who read the Bible and rely on the Scriptures as the ultimate authority. In fact, they do not read the Bible much on their own, limiting themselves to reviewing individual verses that are quoted in Watchtower literature. They build their faith not on what they themselves read in the Bible, but on what it says, according to the leaders...

A Jehovah's Witness may look at Bible verses, but his mind sees them as interpreted by the Watchtower. It is as if he were looking at the pages of the Bible through the glasses of the Watchtower...

Jehovah's Witnesses who are convinced that the Watchtower's instructions come from God . . .

In order to fully understand the type of behavior characteristic of a Witness, ... You must remember that not everything that happens in a person is expressed externally. If you ask a person to read a Bible verse, he or she reads it – and instantly does something you don't know about. The programmed mind of man automatically adjusts the words of the Bible to the interpretations given to the Bible by the organization.

This is not a cunning in beliefs, but a kind of knee-jerk reflex, a reaction that Jehovah's Witnesses are not even aware of. The very reading of poetry immediately switches the mind to the official interpretation, which suddenly arises in the brain."

Once we have understood who leads Jehovah's Witnesses,110 how a true Jehovah's Witness reads every printed word of OSB publications, and how he catches every word of "those who give food in season" at meetings and conventions, we can move on to the next chapter.

Strong recommendations of the ENVSEC

Hospital Information Service Letter

The Hospital Information Service of the Regional Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia sent a letter to all councils of elders [1] with a request:

"With this letter, we would like to ask all congregations to order an additional batch of inserts from Our Kingdom Ministry for the month of February 1996, entitled 'Are You Ready for a Test of Faith in the Event of Medical Intervention?'"

Precise instructions are immediately given on how to use this insert: