
WITNESSES: At the bottom there is space for the signature of two legal witnesses who confirm that you have signed the Medical Order/Release of Liability assuring your firm position. Witnesses must be responsible adults who assure that they will strongly support your position in the event of your hospitalization or unconsciousness. It is desirable that one of the witnesses is your closest relative, for example, a husband, wife, father, mother or an adult son or daughter. A second witness may be a close relative or other responsible person who agrees to fully support your position, such as a congregation elder or family counsel.117 If you do not have close relatives who agree to support your position, then both witnesses may not be relatives. Each witness must sign and indicate who he is (husband, son, etc.) and write a phone number by which he is more likely to be found.

The "medical document" is designed in such a way that it can be folded along the dotted line so that the words "Medical document" and "No blood" are clearly visible in the wallet or wallet."118

Recommendations for identity card:

"This card must be filled out by the parent/Witnesses. Type or write legibly so that it is not difficult for doctors to read the information. On the back, along with the text, there is a place where the child's name must be indicated. The parent(s) should sign the card and date. If there is only one parent in the family, he can fill out and sign the card.119

In [10] the instruction is given:

"Always have a signed, certified and dated "Medical Document" card with you. REMEMBER TO NEVER CALL IT A "BLOOD CARD" – because some people may misunderstand this expression. The witnesses you indicate in the medical document must be responsible adults who assure that they will firmly support your position in the event of your hospitalization or when you are unconscious. It is good to always keep it in your passport or any other document that you always have with you. Thus, in a critical situation, when doctors want to establish your identity, they will see your medical document. It should be emphasized that our medical document is mainly intended for unforeseen situations. Therefore, be sure to draw up your personal and detailed medical document when you go for planned treatment, discussing all the conditions of your treatment. Ask your doctor to attach one copy of your statement to your medical history. Keep a copy with you."

Here is the text of the "Medical Order/Exemption from Liability" that every Jehovah's Witness is strongly recommended to have:

"I, ____, fill out this order as my official will. The instructions contained therein reflect my firm and conscious decision.

I instruct that under no circumstances - even if doctors consider it vital to save my life or health - do not give me a blood transfusion (whole blood, red blood cell, white blood cell, platelet mass or plasma). I agree to the use of blood volume enticants (such as dextran, saline solutions such as Ringer's solution, hydroxyethyl starch), as well as the use of other bloodless treatments.

With this legal regulation, I express my right to accept or refuse medical treatment in accordance with my life principles and beliefs. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and I make this command in obedience to such commands as recorded in the Bible, such as: "Abstain . . . of blood" (Acts 15:28,29). I have been holding this firm religious position for __ years. My age is __ years.

In addition, I know that blood transfusions are fraught with various dangers. Therefore, I have decided to avoid such dangers, and instead I am willing to take any risk that may involve my choice of bloodless alternative treatment.

I release doctors, anesthesiologists, hospitals and their medical staff from liability for any consequences of my refusal of blood if I have been provided with full other qualified care.

I authorize the person(s) named on the reverse to follow up on my instructions set forth herein and to answer all questions about my total refusal of blood."

Here is the text that contains the "ID card" that Jehovah's Witness parents fill out for their children: