
"If you don't seem to be sure, it can give the impression that you don't take it seriously. If surgery is necessary - planned or emergency - you or one of your closest relatives should resolutely ask the chief surgeon specific, clear questions. One of these important questions is: Will the surgical team take into account the patient's wishes and treat without blood under any circumstances? Without such assurance, you are not sufficiently protected."

"Express your desires clearly, with conviction and dignity. Let it be understood that you want an alternative medical treatment without the use of blood. Calmly and convincingly discuss your personal conditions regarding medical treatment and the form that will exempt the hospital doctors from responsibility, of course, if they use bloodless treatment methods. If the surgeon does not agree to satisfy your desire, then, without wasting time, contact the head of the department or the head physician of the hospital with a request to help you find another doctor. This is part of his duties."

"Of all the members of the surgical team that need to be met before surgery, YOU DEFINITELY NEED TO TALK TO THE ANESTHESIOLOGIST. His task is to save your life while the surgeon operates on you; The anesthesiologist decides on the use of blood. Therefore, you are not fully protected if you only talk to a surgeon. So, you need to go to the anesthesiologist and try to explain your position to him in order to establish whether it will be taken into account or not. (Compare Luke 18:3-5.)"

To be honest, one can only wonder at the degree to which the meaning of the advice of the OSB corresponds to its followers and the quotes from the Bible cited to substantiate the correctness of these advices. Here is what the Gospel of Luke says, taking only a little more than 18:1-8 (in this case, what was torn out by the anonymous authors of the insert is emphasized):

1 And he also spake unto them a parable, that they ought to pray always, and not to lose heart,

2 saying, There was a judge in a certain city, who feared not God, nor was he ashamed of men.

3 And there was a widow in the same city, and she came to him, saying, Defend me from my adversary.

4 But he didn't want to for a long time. And then he said to himself, Though I fear not God, nor am I ashamed of men,

5 But because this widow gives me no rest, I will protect her, that she may not come to trouble me any more.

6 И сказал Господь: слышите, что говорит судья неправедный?

7 Бог ли не защитит избранных Своих, вопиющих к Нему день и ночь, хотя и медлит защищать их?

8 сказываю вам, что подаст им защиту вскоре. Но Сын Человеческий, придя, найдет ли веру на земле?

Проведем соответствия данной вырванной из контекста цитаты и случая, по которому она приведена. По всей видимости, под «вдовой» имеется в виду Свидетель Иеговы, попавший в больницу, под «судьей, не боящегося ни Бога, ни людей не стыдящегося» имеется в виду анестезиолог. Бога анестезиолог не боится и людей не стыдится, по мнению Свидетелей Иеговы, наверно потому, что применяет на практике переливание крови. «Соперник» - это хирург, который хочет во время операции применить метод переливания крови. Что же, «лестные» эпитеты достались лечащему персоналу!

В заключение третьего параграфа следует недвусмысленная рекомендация «Всем этим лицам ты должен объяснить свою твердую позицию: НИКАКОЙ КРОВИ», которая еще раз подтверждает наш тезис о том, что все разговоры о «совесть позволяет / не позволяет» - это только разговоры, служащие для отвода глаз посторонних и для маловерных братьев и сестер, по настоящему приветствуется и пропагандируется только полный отказ от крови.