G.E. Kolyvanov

Art. 31-32: "My descendants will serve Him, and will be called the Lord's forever: they will come and declare His righteousness to people who will be born, what the Lord has created." We are talking about the spiritual descendants of David, that is, about Christians.

Psalm 44.

In the Russian text there is an inscription: "To the head of the choir. On the (musical instrument) Shoshan. Teaching. The sons of Korah. Song of Love". "Shoshan" is a musical instrument in the form of a lily.

Slavonic inscription: "In the end. About the changeable. The son of Korah. Into the mind. The Song of the Beloved". "On the changeable" means that the psalm is performed on different, alternating musical instruments. These words are also interpreted allegorically. "Of the changeable" is implied: of people; for of all rational beings we are the most subject to daily, and almost hourly, changes and transformations."

The psalm is dedicated to an important event in the life of King Solomon – his marriage to the daughter of the Egyptian pharaoh. In addition to the historical meaning, the psalm contains a pro-educational, messianic meaning. Solomon here is a prototype of Christ the Savior. The image of the bride is considered as a prototype of the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as an indication of the Church of Christ and the human soul. The Holy Fathers interpret the image of the bride of the Song of Songs in the same way.

St. Basil the Great adheres to the interpretation of the image of the bride as the Church of Christ. He interprets the words "The Queen stands at Thy right hand, dressed in robes of gold, adorned with garments": "The prophet speaks of the Church, of which we learn from the Song of Songs (6:8), that there is only one perfect dove of Christ, who sends to the right hand of Christ those who have become known for their good works, distinguishing them from worthless people, as a shepherd distinguishes sheep from goats. Thus, there stands the Queen, that is, the soul united with the Bridegroom-Word, not possessed by sin, but made a partaker of the kingdom of Christ, standing at the right hand of the Saviour in gilded robes, that is, magnificently and sacredly adorning herself with spiritual teachings, woven and adorned. Inasmuch as dogmas are not of one kind, but are diverse and diverse, embracing natural, moral, and mysterious teachings; then the psalm says that the bride's garments are adorned."

Psalm 45.

"To the head of the choir. The sons of Korah. On the musical instrument Alamoth. Song". "Alamoth" - from Heb. the words "alma" (maiden) – in a thin voice.

Slavonic inscription: "In the end, about the sons of Korah, about the secret, a psalm." "This psalm has the inscription: to the end, because the prophecies contained in it refer to the end. He prophesies about the rebellions, about the persecutions made by the rulers against the church at the beginning of the preaching of the Apostles, as Theodoret says, also about the patience shown by the church and about the peace that followed for it... The inscription "of the secret" means "of the hidden things of many," because the thoughts in this psalm are mysterious and obscure."