A complete Orthodox prayer book. For every need

Thy icon, O Theotokos, was cast into the sea, not being able to save her from her enemies from the widow: but the Guardian of Athos appeared, and the Gatekeeper of the monastery of Iberia, frightening the enemies, and in the Orthodox land of Russia, delivering those who venerate Thee from all troubles and misfortunes.


We magnify Thee, O Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Maiden, and we venerate Thy holy image, Who dost heal all who come with faith.


O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of Christ our God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! Hear the much-pained sighing of our souls, look down from the height of Thy holiness upon us, who with faith and love worship Thy most pure (and wonderworking) image. For behold, immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, beholding Thy image, as Thou art alive with us, we offer our humble supplications. For there is no other help, no other intercession, no consolation, but Thee, O Mother of all who sorrow and are burdened! Help us who are weak, assuage our sorrows, guide us who err on the right path, heal our sick hearts and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our life in peace and repentance, grant us a Christian end, and at the Last Judgment of Thy Son a merciful intercessor may appear to us, that we may always sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as the good Intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who please God, forever and ever.

Prayer before the Reigning Icon (March 2/15)

Troparion, tone 8:

Angels reverently serve Thee, and all the Heavenly powers glorify Thee with silent voices, O Virgin Theotokos; we fervently beseech Thee, O Lady, that Divine grace may abide upon Thy precious Sovereign Icon, and that the radiant ray of glory of Thy miracles may descend from it upon all who pray to Thee with faith and cry out to God: Alleluia.

Kontakion, tone 8:

To the Chosen Commander we offer Victorious songs, for Thy power has been granted to us, and we fear nothing, for our salvation is not from the world, but we guard ourselves against the exalted Lady in mercy, and to this day we rejoice, for the Intercessor has come to guard Her land.


O Protectress of peace, All-Sung Mother!