In the end, O those who desire to be changed, into the pillar of David, into teaching: 2 And when he burned the heart of Syria, and Syria of Sobal, and Joab returned, and smote Edom in the wilds of Sol twenty thousand, 59

3 O God, Thou hast rejected us, and hast cast us down, Thou hast been angry, and hast made us merciful. 4 Thou hast shaken the earth, and hast troubled it, heal its destruction, for thou hast moved. 5 Thou hast shown Thy people cruelty, Thou hast made us drunk with the wine of tenderness. 6 Thou hast given a sign to those who fear Thee, that they may flee from the face of the bow. 7 For thy beloved may be delivered, save me with thy right hand, and hear me. 8 God has cried in His holiness, I will rejoice, and I will divide Shekimah, and I will measure the vale of the dwellings. 9 Mine is Gilead, and mine is Manasseh, and Ephraim is the fortress of my head, Judah is my king. 10 Moab is the taper of my hope: in Edom I stretch out my boots, and the foreign women are subject to me. 11 Who shall bring me into the city of the hedge? or who will guide me to Idumea? 12 Thou art not, O God, who hast rejected us? And Thou wilt not, O God, depart in our strength? 13 Give us help out of tribulation, and the salvation of man is vain. 14 In God let us create power, and He will despise those who are cold to us.

At the end, in the songs to David, Psalm 60

2 Hear, O God, my supplication, hearken unto my prayer. 3 From the ends of the earth I have cried unto Thee, when my heart has fallen asleep, Thou hast lifted me up upon a rock, Thou hast guided me. 4 For thou wast my hope, a pillar of strength from the face of the enemy. 5 I will dwell in Thy dwelling place for ever, I will be covered with the shelter of Thy creeds. 6 For thou, O God, hast heard my prayers, hast given an inheritance to them that fear thy name. 7 Thou shalt add days to the days of kings, his years unto the day of generations and generations. 8 Who shall seek his mercy and truth for ever with God? 9 Thus will I sing to Thy name for ever, give me my prayers day by day.


В конец, о Идифуме, псалом Давиду, 61

2 Не Богу ли повинется душа моя? От Того бо спасение мое. 3 Ибо Той Бог мой и Спас мой, Заступник мой, не подвижуся наипаче. 4 Доколе належите на человека? Убиваете вси вы, яко стене преклонене, и оплоту возриновену. 5 Обаче цену мою совещаша отринути, текоша в жажди, усты своими благословляху и сердцем своим кленяху. 6 Обаче Богови повинися, душе моя, яко от Того терпение мое. 7 Ибо Той Бог мой и Спас мой, Заступник мой, не преселюся. 8 О Бозе спасение мое и слава моя, Бог помощи моея, и упование мое на Бога.9 Уповайте на Него весь сонм людей, излияйте пред Ним сердца ваша, яко Бог помощник наш. 10 Обаче суетни сынове человечестии, лживи сынове человечестии в мерилех еже неправдовати, тии от суеты вкупе. 11 Не уповайте на неправду и на восхищение не желайте. Богатство аще течет, не прилагайте сердца. 12 Единою глагола Бог, двоя сия слышах, зане держава Божия, 13 и Твоя, Господи, милость, яко Ты воздаси комуждо по делом его.