2 Inspire my words, O Lord, understand my calling. 3 Hearken unto the voice of my supplication, O my King and my God, for I will pray unto thee, O Lord. 4 In the morning hear my voice, in the morning I will stand before Thee, and see me. 5 For God willest not iniquity, Thou art the wicked: the wicked shall not dwell unto Thee: 6 The wicked shall abide below Thy sight: Thou hast hated all that doeth iniquity. 7 Thou hast destroyed all that speaketh falsehood: the Lord despises a man of blood and a flatterer. 8 And by the abundance of Thy mercy, I will enter into Thy house, I will worship Thy holy temple in Thy fear. 9 O Lord, instruct me in Thy righteousness: for my enemy's sake, straighten out my way before Thee. 10 For there is no truth in their mouths, their heart is vain, the sepulchre is open to their throats: their tongues are flattering. 11 Judge them, O God, that they may fall away from their thoughts, because of the multitude of their wickedness I cast out, for I have grieved thee, O Lord. 12 And let all those who trust in thee rejoice, and rejoice for ever, and dwell in them, and they that love thy name shall glory in thee. 13 For thou hast blessed the righteous, O Lord: for thou hast crowned us with the weapon of goodwill.

At the end, in the songs of the osm, Psalm to David, 6

2 O Lord, do not rebuke me with Thy wrath, but punish me with Thy wrath. 3 Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak, heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled. 4 And my soul is troubled: and thou, O Lord, how long? 5 Turn back, O Lord, deliver my soul: save me for the sake of Thy mercy. 6 For in death remember Thee: but in hell who shall be known to Thee? 7 Labor with my sighing, I will wash my bed every night, I will wet my bed with my tears. 8 My eye is troubled with wrath, I am vowed in all my enemies. 9 Depart from me, all you who work iniquity, for the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping: 10 The Lord has heard my supplication, the Lord has accepted my prayer. 11Let all my enemies be ashamed and troubled, let them return and be ashamed of the earth quickly.


Psalm to David, which was sung to the Lord about the words of Hushai, the Son of Jemeni, 7

2 O Lord my God, in Thee I trust, save me from all those who persecute me, and deliver me: 3 lest he snatch away my soul like a lion, I am not the one who delivers, but the one who saves. 4 O Lord my God, if I have done this, if there be iniquity in my hand, 5 if I repay those who repay me evil, let me fall away from my enemies. 6 Let the enemy marry my soul, and let him overtake it, and trample my life into the ground, and put my glory in the dust. 7 Arise, O Lord, by Thy wrath, Thy enemy be lifted up to the ends, and arise, O Lord my God, by the command which Thou hast commanded. 8 And a multitude of men shall go round Thee, and for this turn to the heights. 9 The Lord judges men: judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness, and according to my kindness against me. 10 May the wickedness of sinners be put to rest, and correct the righteous, search hearts and bowels, O God, righteously. 11 My help is from God, who saves the upright in heart. 12 God is a righteous judge, and strong, and long-suffering, and do not bring wrath upon every day. 13 If ye do not turn, he will purify his weapon, and he will bend his bow and prepare it, and 14 and in it he will prepare the vessels of death, he will make his arrows unto those who are burned. 15 Behold, more than iniquity, sickness was conceived, and iniquity was born: 16 a pit of waste, and a pit, and he fell into the pit which he made. 17 His sickness shall come upon his head, and his iniquity shall come down upon his head. 18 Let us praise the Lord according to his righteousness, and sing the name of the Lord Most High.

At the end, O winepress, Psalm to David, 8