«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

The Eleventh Word. 1. The Holy Father writes this homily to a lay disciple and teaches how the Holy Spiritual Fathers should be honored. 2. What should be done to find a true spiritual father? 3. And having found him, how should he be treated? 28

Homily Twelve. 1. He who repents of his sins will receive no benefit if he does not seek from Christ the Lord and the cure of his infirmity, because of which he sins. 2. Whatever a person does in this life, he does in vain, if it does not contribute to the health of his soul. 3. How does sin happen according to our will and without our will? 37

Homily Thirteenth. 1. The healing of the soul is one, not many. 2. People sin in four ways. 3. The salvation of all in the one will of God; but man has nothing in himself with which he can be saved. 39

The Fourteenth Word. 1. What does God require of a Christian? 2. What harm has man suffered and continues to suffer from the devil, and does not know it? 3. All people are sick in their souls and do not understand this. 4. They must know their infirmities in order to seek a physician. 5. The evil devil puts his temptations as a bait that he lays before people. 6. For what reason do not all Christians succeed in virtue? 41

Homily Fifteen. 1. There are seven classes of persons for whom the prayer of the Church for their salvation is necessary. 2. Those who pray to God, and yet do not know what they are asking for, are not heard. 3. Those who do not pray in the spirit labor in vain. 44

The Sixteenth Word. 1. Who is a true Christian? 2. A Christian who loves fame or pleasure or money is not a true Christian. 3. Christians need to bear sensitive deprivations and podvigs in order to be freed from these passions. 4. Every good deed must be done with this goal in mind, in order to receive the grace of Christ and holiness. 5. Praying attentively is a gift from God. 6. Sinners are enemies of God, from whom He turns away. 46

Homily Seventeen. 1. Whatever good a person has done, it is good for him himself. 2. How do we know if God has accepted our fasting, prayers, and almsgiving? 3. How should we sing and pray? 4. Sanctification and freedom are given to the soul through faith. 5. The soul of psalmody should be humility. 6. How is the grace of God extinguished? 49

Homily Eighteen. 1. Faith is used in seven meanings. 2. Through faith a person is vouchsafed the grace of God. 3. It is impossible to please God without faith. 52

The Nineteenth Word. 1. The soul is purified through faith and the fulfillment of Christ's commandments. 2. She is clothed from above with the descending power of the Holy Spirit and is vouchsafed to behold God. 3. Those who wish to receive good from God must joyfully endure every sorrow, suffering, and temptation that meets them. 4. Everyone should consider himself whether he is worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven. 54

Twentieth Word. 1. Who are those who truly love God, from what is love for God born, and by what is it revealed? 2. What are the works of love for one's neighbor according to God? 3. Love is the head of the law. 57

Homily Twenty-One. 1. About almsgiving: who satisfies God when He hungers, and gives drink when He thirsts, and how can such works be done? 2. He does not receive real benefit who has mercy only on the poor, and does not have mercy on himself, leaving himself in negligence, naked from every good work and from the grace of God. 58

Homily Twenty-Two. 1. First we must receive the grace of Christ, and then we can live according to God. 2. In what way are they vouchsafed this grace? 3. Who is in sin and who is in grace? 4. Every sin is from the devil, and good is from Christ. 5. What is the head of virtues, and what are their feet? 62

Homily Twenty-Three. 1. People are enslaved to three passions: love of money, love of glory and love of pleasure. 66

Homily Twenty-Four. 1. God did not create anyone to be a slave of another person, much less demons. 2. About wordless anger and lust, and from what a person is subjected to them. 3. Just as bodily sight requires sound eyes, a well-proportioned distance, pure air, and the light of the sun, so mental sight requires all such things. 68