Volume 8, Book 1 (1 part of the commentary of Evang John)

DISCOURSE 3 on John 1:1. 1. On the consecration of one of the seven days of the week to the Lord. - What kind of education should be given to youth. - 2. The opinion of the heretics of the Anomaeans about God the Word. - 3 and 4. Proofs of the eternity of the Word. - 5 and 6. Against vanity. - The evil it produces. - To him they sacrifice their riches. "For his sake, they do everything to please the people. - The glory of the people is true glory. - How to deal with the crowd. - Let God alone be a spectator and praiser of good deeds.

DISCOURSE 4 on John 1:1. 1. Why does St. John confine himself to a single word about the incarnation of the Son of God, while the other Evangelists expound it in detail? - Paul of Samosata and his delusion. - 2. What is the Word. - 3. Refutation of the heretics' objection to the Divinity of the Son, based on the fact that the Son is called God - "Theos" - without a term (article). - 4 and 5. Jesus Christ suffered and died to deliver us from idolatry. - To give a creature the worship that is due to the Creator is extremely unjust. - Faith and doctrine are useless for salvation if life and morals are corrupted. - Anger must be quenched immediately. - People praise and blame according to whether they love or hate. - Depiction of a person in anger. - Against those who carefully observe the hours and times.

DISCOURSE 5 on John 1:3. 1. How some heretics changed the meaning of the third verse of the first chapter of the Gospel of John by changing the punctuation. - 2. Absurd conclusions to which the opinion admitted by heretics that the Holy Spirit was created leads. - 3. The Son of God is equal to his Father. - The inexhaustible fruitfulness of the Creator. - God is not a complex being. - 4. About the fact that sinners are like drunken and furious people. - It is better to walk and show oneself naked in the streets than covered and burdened with sins.

DISCOURSE 6 on John 1:6. 1. The messengership of John the Baptist. - Explanation of the saying: "Man was sent from God." - Why and how Christ accepts John's testimony. Learning without good works is not beneficial.

DISCOURSE 7 on John 1:9. 1. One should not try to comprehend what is incomprehensible in God. - The true doctrine of the Father and the Son. - The Foolishness of the Sabellians and Marcellians. How sins are washed away.

DISCOURSE 8 on John 1:9. 1. Why Jesus Christ, being the light of truth, does not sanctify all people. - 2. The Foolishness of Paul of Samosata. - Answers to the questions of the pagans: what did Jesus Christ do before his coming, etc.? - One cannot properly pursue the heavenly by attaching oneself to the earthly. There is a great difference between the servants of Jesus Christ and the servants of mammon.

DISCOURSE 9 on John 1:11. 1. Who are the "friends" who did not accept Christ: first, the Jews, who were His chosen people. - Then other people who did not believe in him, being His creatures. - 2. Unbelief as the cause of the blindness of the Jews; pride as the cause of their unbelief. - The grace of mercy extended by God to the Gentiles did not cause any injustice to the Jews. - The Apostle Paul rightly rebukes them and curbs their pride and arrogance. - They are jealous of the salvation of the Gentiles. - Pride renders all virtues useless.

DISCOURSE 10 on John 1:11. 1. God does not force or constrain our free will. - 2. What does it mean, "He came to his own"? - That those who did not want to accept Jesus Christ are sufficiently punished by this very act and the consequences of this refusal. - The grace-filled effect of baptism. - 3. That it is entirely up to us to preserve the purity of our baptism. - Punishment for those who defile the clothes received at baptism. Faith and purity of life are necessary for salvation. - What clothes should be worn by those who are called to the royal wedding feast.

DISCOURSE 11 on John 1:14. 1. Before going to the conversation, one should read those passages from the Holy Scriptures that are subject to explanation. - The position of a minister does not detract from the dignity of the Son of God. - 2. Of the heretics who assert that the Word was incarnate only in appearances—the state of human nature before the coming of Jesus Christ. "It was like a ruined house that only the Almighty could rebuild. - Incarnation as an Unfathomable Mystery. - God the Word took on our flesh to never leave it. "That is why she sits on a royal throne and is worshipped by all the heavenly hosts.

DISCOURSE 12 on John 1:14. 1. What is the meaning of the saying, "Glory as the Only Begotten of the Father." - 2 and 3. Omens and miracles before the coming of Jesus Christ. - Harbingers and preachers. - The free will of man. - Virtue as a product of free will. - Miracles proclaimed Jesus Christ and showed that he was the Only-begotten Son of God. - Miracles performed invisibly and visibly at the time of His death. - What is the glory of Christ in heaven.

DISCOURSE 13 on John 1:15. 1. The inattention of the hearers does not deprive the preacher of his reward. - Why Ev. Does John often refer to the testimony of St. John the Baptist? - 2 and 3. The Significance of the Testimony of St. John the Baptist. - 4. There is nothing more beautiful than a right life. - Rejection of gifts brought from ill-acquired possessions.

DISCOURSE 14 on John 1:16. 1. What we have received from the fulness of Jesus Christ. - 2. The difference between the old and the new law. - The meaning of the words: "grace for grace". - God always precedes us with His blessings. - 3 and 4. The prototypes of the Old Testament received their fulfillment in the New. - An explanation of some of these types. - In public competitions, not those who have been defeated are encouraged to compete, but only courageous fighters. - On the contrary, in spiritual feats both are encouraged and inspired equally, because those who have suffered defeat can recover and still gain victory. - The bitterness of medicines should not discourage anyone: their benefits will be revealed later. - Both sinners and the righteous - all need medicines, corrections and good edification.

DISCOURSE 15 on John 1:18. 1. No one has ever seen God in His essence. - 2 and 3. Jesus Christ knows the Father fully because He dwells in His bosom. - Refutation of the Arians and other heretics who rejected the Divinity of Jesus Christ. - Jesus Christ revealed more to us than the prophets and Moses. - All Christians are one body. - Which is the greatest bond of their mutual love.

DISCOURSE 16 on John 1:19. 1. How the malice of the Jews is manifested in the questions with which they addressed St. John the Baptist. - 2. How this faithful Forerunner gives Jesus Christ the glory that even the Jews wanted to give to him. - The high opinion that the Jews had of St. John the Baptist. - Their unbelief in Jesus Christ is inexcusable and unforgivable. - The Humility of St. John the Baptist. - Against the Anomoeans. - Pride overthrows every virtue of the soul and perverts all good deeds. - She is the mother of the devil, the beginning, source and cause of all sins. - About almsgiving. - The poor bring the blessings of this world to heaven. - The fragility of earthly possessions, and therefore it is necessary to transfer them in advance to the highest city.