Volume 8, Book 1 (1 part of the commentary of Evang John)

DISCOURSE 24 on John 2:23. 1. Those who were drawn to Jesus Christ by His doctrine were firmer and steadfast in faith than those who were attracted by signs. - Why did He not perform any more miracles? - 2. Nicodemus, the weakness and imperfection of his faith. - The forbearance of Jesus Christ. - 3. One should not penetrate into the sacred mysteries with excessive curiosity. - Not subordinating their reason to faith, people fall into many absurdities. - The human mind, not illumined from above, produces only darkness. "Riches are thorns that scratch and wound us.

DISCOURSE 25 on John 3:5. 1. Nicodemus did not understand the words of the Savior because he wanted to reason about spiritual things in a human way. - If a person is not born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. - 2 and 3. Belief in the invisible. - The difference between the first and second creations. - In the first creation, the Creator used the earth to create man; in the second St. The spirit uses water. - The first man was created with a living soul, the second is filled with the life-giving Spirit. - The first person needed help, the second, receiving the grace of the Holy Spirit, does not need any other help. - Why is water needed for baptism? - The rite of baptism. - The great mysteries performed for us by Jesus Christ as motives for us to lead a good life. Catechumens and their position in relation to the faithful. - The benefits of alms and gifts offered to Jesus Christ and to these little ones.

DISCOURSE 26 on John 3:6. 1. Spiritual revival and its essence. - 2. A prototype of spiritual revival. - 3. The Nature of Christian Exhortation. - You need to act with meekness, without anger and shouting. - A person who offends others commits a shameful deed; He who suffers offenses is a true philosopher. - Slaves are of the same nature as masters, and therefore the latter should not offend the former. What slaves do out of fear of their masters, the latter must do out of the fear of God.

DISCOURSE 27 on John 3:12-13. 1. One should not try to comprehend the origin of the Only-begotten Son by reason. - 2. The Bronze Serpent as a Prototype of Jesus Christ. - How God Loved the World. - 3. The love of God: the excessiveness of His goodness to sinners and the ungrateful. "God, in order to save us, did not spare even His Only-begotten Son, and we spare our money. - Misuse made out of wealth. - Our ingratitude to Jesus Christ in the person of the poor for all His blessings to us. - Against those who, squandering everything on luxury, despise the poor and do not care for their needs.

DISCOURSE 28 on John 3:17. 1. The greater the mercy of the Lord, the more severe will be His punishments for the stiff-necked. - God has opened the doors of generosity to all people. - The Two Comings of Jesus Christ. - 2. Unbelievers are subject to condemnation - Whoever turns away from Jesus Christ. - Great sinners are people who are hardened in their stubbornness, given over to the vices that have overwhelmed them. - To be a Christian, you need to lead a good life with the observance of the purity of the teaching. - The reason for the deviation of the pagans from accepting the faith of Christ. - Pagan philosophers made virtue out of empty vanity. Love of vanity destroys people. - Vanity is more pernicious than all other vices. - In order to gain glory before men and the glory that comes from God, one must strive to attain only the latter.

DISCOURSE 29 on John 3:22. 1. The sublimity of truth and the baseness of falsehood. - Why did Jesus Christ not perform baptism himself, but only His disciples? - 2. The disciples of John the Baptist were jealous of the disciples of Jesus Christ. - 3. How the church becomes the bride of Jesus Christ. - Disasters and losses caused by vanity. - How to get rid of this vice.

DISCOURSE 30 on John 3:31. 1. The efforts of St. John the Baptist to lead his disciples to Jesus Christ. - 2. Rejecting Jesus Christ is tantamount to exposing the lie of God who sent Him. - 3. One should not read the Word of God lightly: one should delve into every word. - The Word of God is a weapon that you need to know how to wield. "In the affairs of this world, everyone is clever and lively, but in the matter of salvation we are lazy and cowardly. - The holy books were written not only for the ancients, but also for us.

DISCOURSE 31 on John 3:35:-36. 1. Faith without a good life is useless for salvation. - 2. Why Jesus Christ withdraws. - The origin of the Samaritan woman. - 4. Continuation of the same. - Abolition of Jewish rites. - 5. A good example given to the Samaritan woman regarding the love and jealousy with which the word of Jesus Christ should be treated. - She calls others to Jesus Christ, while the Jews turned him away. To do what is not pleasing to God means to live uselessly and to one's own destruction. - The soul is immortal. - The body will also be immortal so that we can enjoy heavenly blessings. - God offers us heaven, and we become attached to the earth, offending the Lord.

DISCOURSE 32 on John 4:13-14. 1. The Holy Scriptures call the Holy Spirit now water, now fire, denoting not essence, but activity. - Continuation of the story of the Samaritan woman. - 2. The obedience of the Samaritan woman. - 3. The wisdom of Jesus Christ in converting people to salvation. - Exhortation to the reading of the Holy Scriptures. - The devil does not dare to enter a house where there is the Gospel. - Reading spiritual books sanctifies a person.

DISCOURSE 33 on John 4:21-22. 1. A person always needs faith. - Faith, like a ship, transports us across the sea of life. - 2. On True Worship. - Disciples' reverence for their Teacher. - There is nothing higher than the love of Christ. - Humility and tenderness attracted the special love of Jesus Christ for John. - The Apostle Peter. - Humility as the basis of virtue. - Vanity of wealth. - Exhortation to almsgiving.

DISCOURSE 34 on John 4:22-29. 1. Continuation of the story of the Samaritan woman: the humility of this woman. - 2. Why Jesus Christ, like the prophets, often expressed his thought through comparisons, parables, and allegories. - The prophets sowed, the apostles reaped. - 3. One should follow the example of the Samaritan woman in confessing her sins. - People are usually afraid of people, and they are not afraid of God. - Hiding their sins before people, so as not to be disgraced, they do not fear shame before God. - To return to sin is like a dog returning to his vomit. The best remedy for correcting one's vices is to examine each of them separately, without omitting a single one. The need to be constantly ready for the coming of the Lord.

DISCOURSE 35 on John 4:40-42. 1. The Samaritans, being more receptive to grace than the Jews, when they have seen and heard Jesus Christ, acknowledge that he is the Saviour of the world. - 2. The healing of the son of the courtier Herod. - 3. We should not demand miracles from God, or proofs of His omnipotence. - We must glorify and love God in all circumstances: in joy and sorrow, in health and sickness, and endure everything out of love for Him.

DISCOURSE 36 on John 4:54-5:1. 1. The sheep's font as a prototype of baptism. - 2. Paralytic, suffering for 38 years, a perfect example of patience. Perseverance in prayer. - The quality of prayer. - Why is human life difficult and hard? - Necessity of work. - What chastity consists of. - No work, no moderation. - The pleasure afforded by vice is short-lived; the joy given by virtue is eternal. - There is no true joy in this world; True joy in heaven.

DISCOURSE 37 on John 5:6-7. 1. The great benefit derived from the Holy Scriptures. - The difference between the self-denial of the paralytic and the self-denial of St. Matthew. - 2. Faith of the paralytic. - 3. The greatness of the evil produced by vice. - Image of envy: the envious have no apology; their sin is not forgiven.