Volume 8, Book 1 (1 part of the commentary of Evang John)

DISCOURSE 38 on John 5:14. 1. God punishes the body for the sins of the soul. - Most diseases come from sin. - 2 and 3. Recognition of the paralyzed. - Jesus Christ compares Himself to God the Father and declares Himself equal to Him. - 4. The perfect equality and perfect unity of the Father and the Son. - Against ambition and passion to exalt oneself over others. - One must avoid vanity and the evils it produces, and seek the glory that comes from God. - The difference between the glory of man and the lava of God.

DISCOURSE 39 on John 5:22-23. 1. One must fear the Last Judgment. - 2. Why Jesus Christ uses simple words. - 3. Jesus Christ often speaks of judgment and resurrection. - 4. Two wills in Jesus Christ. - 5. In the study of the Holy Scriptures, one must carefully examine all the details. - We must forgive others, as Jesus Christ forgave us. - What you need to do to receive eternal life. - Exhortation to almsgiving.

DISCOURSE 40 on John 5:31-32. 1. A simple and satisfactory explanation of the text, which at first seemed difficult. - 2. John's testimony for Jesus Christ and the testimony of the work of Jesus Christ. - 3. The testimony of God the Father. - It is necessary to fight heretics with the help of the Holy Scriptures. Covetousness is the root of all evil. - You cannot serve two masters - God and mammon. - How to do almsgiving. - The severity of the future judgment of those who were inhuman and cruel to the poor.

DISCOURSE 41 on John 5:39-40. 1. One should not read the Holy Scriptures in fits and starts. - 2. The Jews will have Moses himself as their accuser. - 3. Refutation of the pretexts and empty apologies of the Jews. - Their malice and cruelty. - Virtue is the mother of prudence. - Sin is born of stupidity. - The wisdom of the one who fears God, and the foolishness of the one who does not fear Him.

DISCOURSE 42 on John 6:1-4. 1. It is useful sometimes to distance oneself from persecution. - 2. The miracle of the multiplication of loaves. - The Marcionite fallacy. - 3. With what care Jesus Christ edifies His disciples by performing miracles. - 4. We must despise the glory of men and the riches of the earth. - The honors and riches of this world are incomparable with the honors and blessings promised to us by God. "It is not this transient glory that is to be loved, but the immortal glory. - The difference between serving the iru and serving Jesus Christ. - Against spectacles. - It is a crime to spend money on women of bad life, instead of giving it to the poor.

DISCOURSE 43 on John 6:16-18. 1. Jesus Christ calms the storm. - He performs some miracles only in the presence of His disciples. - 2. The inconstancy and frivolity of the people. - The miracle of crossing the Red Sea and its difference from the miracle of Jesus Christ's walking on the sea. - From God you should ask only for spiritual blessings. - Why are evildoers and sinners often rich? - One must love true wealth.

DISCOURSE 44 on John 6:26-27. 1. One should take care not of the food of the body, but of the food of the soul. - 2. You need to ask God for what is proper to ask of Him. - Pleasures and sorrows, blessings and disasters of this world have nothing real in them. "Therefore, one should not desire some and fear others. - In another world, everything is eternal - punishments and rewards. - The depiction of the blessings of the present life and the life to come.

DISCOURSE 45 on John 6:29-30. 1. Voluptuousness is the destruction of the soul. - 2. What is the bread of life? - 3. The necessity of faith and grace for salvation. - Jesus Christ often spoke about the resurrection, and the reason for this. - 3. Frequent reminders of the resurrection encourage us to avoid evil and do good. - Resurrection and judgment destroy fate. - Nothing is done out of necessity or accident. - The certainty of the resurrection and judgment: people without faith will experience the same thing as unbelievers at the time of the flood and Lot. - The end of the world will suddenly befall people. - Proofs of the certainty of the resurrection and the Last Judgment.

DISCOURSE 46 on John 6:41-42. 1. God draws people to Himself without suppressing their free will. - Refutation of the Manichaeans on this subject. - 2. The difference between manna and the true bread of life. - 3 and 4. The greatness and abundance of the love of Jesus Christ in the Divine Eucharist. - The essence and significance of the Eucharist for our salvation. - Whoever unworthily partakes of the Lord's Body and Blood will be punished as those who crucified Him.

DISCOURSE 47 on John 6:53-54. 1. Continuation of the discussion about the meaning of the Holy Eucharist. - 2. The disciples find the word of the Teacher cruel. - 3. Reproaches and reproaches should be done with simplicity. - 4. Prediction of the betrayal of Judas. - Our salvation, as well as our destruction, depend on our free will. - 5. Judas's example should serve as a warning to those in the highest position. - Greed, which was the cause of Judas' betrayal, can be the cause of destruction for each of us. - To despise the poor is to betray Jesus Christ. - The uselessness and abuse of wealth. "One must despise all that is temporary, and seek only the eternal.

DISCOURSE 48 on John 7:1-2. 1. The jealousy of the Jews and the unbelief of the relatives of Jesus Christ. - 2. James, brother of the Lord, the first bishop of Jerusalem. - 3. It is necessary to imitate the meekness and goodness of Jesus Christ. - You need to patiently endure ridicule, untruths and insults. - Anger and its consequences. "Remedies against him.

DISCOURSE 49 on John 7:9-10. 1. Jesus Christ sometimes acted humanly to give us a clear example. - 2. His declaration of His equality with God the Father and the fury of the Jews. - 3. Accusing Him of breaking the Sabbath. - The meaning of virtue in this and the next life.

DISCOURSE 50 on John 7:25-26. 1. Disputes of the Jews concerning Jesus Christ. - 2. Jesus Christ convicts them and proves that they deliberately reject Him, knowing that He is the Messiah. - 3. He predicts his death. - Charity to the poor and punishment for those who do not do it.

DISCOURSE 51 on John. 7:37-38. 1. Listeners of the Word of God must have a burning thirst for it. - 2. The Holy Spirit had already been given to the people of the Old Testament, but the apostles received it with the greatest fullness. - 3. Consequences of malice. - By wanting to do harm to others, people cause destruction to themselves. - Evil is healed not by evil, but by good.