Volume 8, Book 1 (1 part of the commentary of Evang John)

DISCOURSE 45 on John 6:29-30. 1. Voluptuousness is the destruction of the soul. - 2. What is the bread of life? - 3. The necessity of faith and grace for salvation. - Jesus Christ often spoke about the resurrection, and the reason for this. - 3. Frequent reminders of the resurrection encourage us to avoid evil and do good. - Resurrection and judgment destroy fate. - Nothing is done out of necessity or accident. - The certainty of the resurrection and judgment: people without faith will experience the same thing as unbelievers at the time of the flood and Lot. - The end of the world will suddenly befall people. - Proofs of the certainty of the resurrection and the Last Judgment.

DISCOURSE 46 on John 6:41-42. 1. God draws people to Himself without suppressing their free will. - Refutation of the Manichaeans on this subject. - 2. The difference between manna and the true bread of life. - 3 and 4. The greatness and abundance of the love of Jesus Christ in the Divine Eucharist. - The essence and significance of the Eucharist for our salvation. - Whoever unworthily partakes of the Lord's Body and Blood will be punished as those who crucified Him.

DISCOURSE 47 on John 6:53-54. 1. Continuation of the discussion about the meaning of the Holy Eucharist. - 2. The disciples find the word of the Teacher cruel. - 3. Reproaches and reproaches should be done with simplicity. - 4. Prediction of the betrayal of Judas. - Our salvation, as well as our destruction, depend on our free will. - 5. Judas's example should serve as a warning to those in the highest position. - Greed, which was the cause of Judas' betrayal, can be the cause of destruction for each of us. - To despise the poor is to betray Jesus Christ. - The uselessness and abuse of wealth. "One must despise all that is temporary, and seek only the eternal.

DISCOURSE 48 on John 7:1-2. 1. The jealousy of the Jews and the unbelief of the relatives of Jesus Christ. - 2. James, brother of the Lord, the first bishop of Jerusalem. - 3. It is necessary to imitate the meekness and goodness of Jesus Christ. - You need to patiently endure ridicule, untruths and insults. - Anger and its consequences. "Remedies against him.

DISCOURSE 49 on John 7:9-10. 1. Jesus Christ sometimes acted humanly to give us a clear example. - 2. His declaration of His equality with God the Father and the fury of the Jews. - 3. Accusing Him of breaking the Sabbath. - The meaning of virtue in this and the next life.

DISCOURSE 50 on John 7:25-26. 1. Disputes of the Jews concerning Jesus Christ. - 2. Jesus Christ convicts them and proves that they deliberately reject Him, knowing that He is the Messiah. - 3. He predicts his death. - Charity to the poor and punishment for those who do not do it.

DISCOURSE 51 on John. 7:37-38. 1. Listeners of the Word of God must have a burning thirst for it. - 2. The Holy Spirit had already been given to the people of the Old Testament, but the apostles received it with the greatest fullness. - 3. Consequences of malice. - By wanting to do harm to others, people cause destruction to themselves. - Evil is healed not by evil, but by good.

DISCOURSE 52. On John. 7:45-46. 1. The truth is revealed to sincere and good souls, and is hidden from the souls of the evil. - 2. Nicodemus defends Jesus Christ against the slanders of the Pharisees. - 3. Objection of the heretics and the answer to it. - Jesus Christ declares his consubstantiality with the Father. - 4. To speak evil of the Son is to blaspheme the Father. - It is necessary to glorify the Son in words and deeds. - What God requires of a Christian. - Greed and predation should be avoided, as they are shameful for a Christian.

DISCOURSE 53 on John 8:20. 1. The stupidity and hardness of the Jews. - 2. Talking to the Jews, Jesus Christ shows them His unity with God the Father. - 3. In order to receive salvation, one must diligently read the Holy Scriptures. - One must attend church in order to hear the Word of God. - It is necessary to carefully study the Holy Scriptures; its benefits and the fruits obtained from it.

DISCOURSE 54 on John 8:31-32. 1. Jesus Christ promises the Jews that if they obey His teaching, it will deliver them from slavery to sin. - 2. If they had been true sons of Abraham, they would not have sought His death. - 3. Not being the sons of Abraham, they are even less sons of God: the devil is their father. - 4. In order to comprehend and know the truth, one must lead a good and righteous life. - We must strive with all our might to attain the kingdom of God. - How to achieve it.

DISCOURSE 55 on John 8:48-49. 1. We must strongly fight against what is said against God, and endure what is said against us. - 2. Refutation of the Anomaeans and Arians. - 3. One should use the time without delaying one's conversion. - Images of envy and envy.

DISCOURSE 56 on John 9:1-2. 1. The healing of a man born blind. - 2. By giving sight to a man born blind, Jesus Christ proved to the Jews that He was the Creator. - 3. The refutation of the imaginary contradiction between Ap. Paul and Jesus Christ. - The Bliss of the Eternal Fatherland and What Is Necessary to Achieve It. The poor make us dwellings in heaven. - Exhortation to almsgiving.

DISCOURSE 57 on John 9:6-7. 1 Faith of the blind man. - God's goodness to all people without distinction. - 2. The Necessity of Faith. - There is a bad peace and there is a good war. - One should avoid evil people and stick to good ones. - The company of evil people is more pernicious than an ulcer.

DISCOURSE 58 on John 9:17-18. 1. The Jews, wishing to refute the miracle of the healing of the man born blind, confirm it even more brilliantly. - 2. Questioned by the Pharisees, the man born blind answers them boldly and glorifies God. 3. The wrath and disappointment of the Pharisees. - 4 and 5. What is written in the Holy Scriptures should serve as an instructive example for us. - A healed man born blind as an example of Christian virtues. - Negligence and carelessness in matters of religion. - One should not waste time and thirst for the knowledge of the truth.