Lopukhin's explanatory Bible. OLD TESTAMENT.GENESIS

[295] Son of man! Turn thy face to Gog in the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him.

[296] But thou, son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I am against thee, Gog, prince of Rosh, of Meshech, and of Tubal!

[297] Lift up a banner on the ground, blow a trumpet among the nations, arm the nations against it, summon the kingdoms of Ararat, Minya, and Ashkenazi against it, set up a leader against it, bring your horses like terrible locusts.

[298] The sons of Gomer: Askenaz, Riphath, and Phogarmah.

[299] From the house of Fogarm they brought you horses and marching horses and hinnies for your goods.

[300] Homer with all his bands, the house of Togarmah, from the borders of the north, with all his bands, many nations with you.

[301] patterned linen from Egypt was used for your sails and served as a flag; blue and purple cloths from the islands of Elisha were your covering.

[302] Tarshish your merchant, according to the abundance of all kinds of wealth, paid for your goods with silver, iron, lead, and tin.

[303] the kings of Tarshish and the isles will offer him tribute; the kings of Arabia and Sheba will bring gifts;

[304] The Prophecy of Tyre. "Weep, ships of Tarshish, for he is destroyed; there are no houses, and there is no one to enter the houses. Thus it was announced to them from the land of Kittia...

[305] for at the same time the ships of Kittim will come with him; and he will lose heart, and return, and will be embittered against the holy covenant, and will fulfill his intention, and will again enter into an agreement with the apostates from the holy covenant.

[306] He will not faint or faint, until he establishes judgment on earth, and in His law the isles will trust.

[307] Sing a new song to the Lord, praise Him from the ends of the earth, you who sail on the sea, and all that fills it, the isles and those who dwell in them.

[308] Hear me, O isles, and hearken, ye peoples afar off: the Lord has called me from the womb, from my mother's womb he has called my name;