Lopukhin's explanatory Bible. OLD TESTAMENT.GENESIS

[1002] Thou shalt show faithfulness to Jacob, mercy to Abraham, which thou didst promise with an oath to our fathers from the first days.

[1003] And Laban said to him, "Oh, that I would find favor in your eyes! I notice that the Lord has blessed me for you.

[1004] And the days [of life] of Isaac were a hundred and eighty years. And Isaac gave up his spirit, and died, and was gathered to his people, being old and full of life; and Esau and Jacob his sons buried him.

[1005] And Gideon came to the Jordan, ... pursuing enemies. And he said to the people of Succoth, "Give bread to the people... And he seized a young man from the inhabitants of Succoth, and questioned him; and he wrote to him the princes and elders of Succoth, seventy-seven men.

[1006] Moses also gave an inheritance to the tribe of Gad, the sons of Gad, according to their families... and in the valley of Beth-garam and Beth-nimrah and Succoth and Zaphon, the remnant of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon; its border was the Jordan as far as the Sea of Hinnereth beyond the Jordan to the east.

[1007] The king poured them out in the clay earth, in the vicinity of the Jordan, between Succoth and Zartan.

[1008] In the vicinity of the Jordan they were poured out by the king, in the clay earth, between Succoth and Cereda.

[1009] In tabernacles ye shall dwell seven days; every native Israelite must live in tabernacles...

[1010] And there shall be a tent for shelter during the day from the heat, and for shelter and protection from the weather and rain.

[1011] и я в мире возвращусь в дом отца моего, и будет Господь моим Богом…

[1012] …И прошел Аврам по земле сей [по длине ее] до места Сихема, до дубравы Море. В этой земле тогда [жили] Хананеи. И явился Господь Авраму…

[1013] И кости Иосифа, которые вынесли сыны Израилевы из Египта, схоронили в Сихеме, в участке поля, которое купил Иаков у сынов Еммора, отца Сихемова, за сто монет и которое досталось в удел сынам Иосифовым.

[1014] Тогда пришли к нему все братья его и все сестры его и все прежние знакомые его, и ели с ним хлеб в доме его, и тужили с ним, и утешали его за все зло, которое Господь навел на него, и дали ему каждый по кесите и по золотому кольцу.

[1015] господин мой! послушай меня: земля стоит четыреста сиклей серебра; для меня и для тебя что это? похорони умершую твою. Авраам выслушал Ефрона; и отвесил Авраам Ефрону серебра, сколько он объявил вслух сынов Хетовых, четыреста сиклей серебра, какое ходит у купцов.