Creations, Volume 1, Book 2

(Psalm 49:5-6). About the abolition of the sacrificial divine service by the coming Christ and the introduction of our divine service in its place, listen to how it is prophesied: "Sacrifice and offering Thou didst not desire; but hath prepared for me a body; burnt offerings and sin offerings Thou didst not demand" (Psalm 39:7); The prophet points out the same thing in another place: "A people whom I did not know serve me; by the mere hearing of me they obey me" (Psalm 17:44-45), i.e. not contemplating the parted sea and the stones parting, but having listened to my apostles. Having said: "And he has prepared for me a body," the prophet adds: "Then I said, Behold, I am coming; in the scroll of the book is written about me" (Psalm 39:8). Two circumstances are indicated here: that the Lord will come, and that He will come when the sacrifices are abolished; This happened when the power over the Jews passed to the Romans. About the coming of the Lord we find a prophecy in Baruch, who says: "He appeared on earth and passed among men." (Baruch 3:38).Moses also says: "I will raise up for them a prophet from among their brethren, such as you, and I will put My words in His mouth, and He will speak to them all that I command Him, and whoever does not listen to My words, which [that Prophet] will speak in My name, from him I will demand" (Deuteronomy 18:12-19). In whom else has this come true, if not in Christ alone? Though many prophets arose, and though the Jews did not listen to all of them, yet they suffered nothing for it; and because of their disobedience to Christ, they now drag out their lives everywhere, as wanderers and homeless, as fugitives and exiles. See how, having lost their citizenship, of their fathers' laws and customs, they are everywhere subjected to dishonor and shame, punishment and torment. And how much they suffered under Vespasian and Titus, it is impossible to say: so their miserable fate exceeded all misfortune; thus the prophetic words were fulfilled: "Whosoever shall not hearken unto my words, which [that prophet] shall speak, from him will I demand." For this reason everything turned into a desert among them, because they did not listen to that Prophet. That the Lord will resurrect all is foretold by Isaiah in these words: "Thy dead shall live, dead bodies shall arise! Arise and rejoice, you who are cast down in the dust: for your dew is the dew of plants, and the earth will vomit up the dead" (Isaiah 26:19). And not only did he predict this, but also that after the Lord's death on the Cross His deeds would be more brilliant, and that after His resurrection His preaching (the Gospel) would be most widespread. He was betrayed by his disciple, bound, insulted, mocked, tortured, and crucified, and would not have received burial if it had depended on the Jews; and His garments were divided by soldiers, and ended His life with suspicion of coveting power, with the name of a blasphemer and a rebel; For it was said of him: "Everyone who makes himself a king is an adversary of Caesar" (John 19:12), and again: "Behold, now you have heard His blasphemy!"

(Matt. 26:65); Since all this was to take place, the prophet, wishing to stir up and encourage the hearer, says: Do not be afraid of this; He who was crucified, scourged, reviled by robbers, killed on suspicion of blasphemy, after death and resurrection will do such deeds of which no one will say that they are not filled with great honor. And this came to pass, as the prophet had long predicted: "And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Gentiles shall turn to the root of Jesse, which shall be as an ensign unto the nations, and his rest shall be glory" (Isaiah 11:10). It is as if he said: "Such a death is more honorable than a diadem; kings, composing diadems, take the cross - a sign of His death; on the porphyry there is a cross, on the diade, on the cross, in prayer the cross, on the arms the cross, on the sacred table the cross, and in all the universe the cross shines brighter than the sun" - "and his rest will be glory."

9. Such are not the works of men; but usually it is the other way around with them! The affairs of famous people, as long as they live, prosper; but after their death they perish. This can be seen in the fate not only of the rich man and the ruler, but even of kings. And their laws are abolished, and their images are obscured, and their memory is destroyed, and their name is forgotten, and those who are close to them are despised; whereas before they brandished their weapons, moved nations and cities with a wave of their movements, and changed the state of affairs, had the power to put to death and restore to life those who were being led away to be executed. All this is disappearing, although it was in glory before. And with Christ, everything is the opposite. Before His death on the Cross, His circumstances were sad; Judas betrayed, Peter denied, the other disciples fled, He alone remained among the enemies; many who believed in Him turned back. But after His suffering and death, so that you may know that the Crucified One was not an ordinary man, the circumstances become more brilliant, more glorious and more excellent. Before the crucifixion of Christ, the chief of the apostles could not endure the threat of the doorkeeper, but after such a last supper he replied that he did not know (Jesus), and after the crucifixion he had passed (with preaching) the universe; From that time innumerable hosts of martyrs were put to death, deciding rather to die than to say what the chief of the apostles had said, fearing the threat of a single doorkeeper. From that time on, all countries, cities and deserts, inhabited and uninhabited places, were proclaimed with the glorification of the Crucified One; Kings, generals, city governors, and judges, slaves and freemen, commoners, wise and foolish, barbarians, and the various tribes of men, who inhabit all the sunflower earth, call on His Name and worship Him, that you may know what it means, "And His rest shall be glory." The very place where the body of the Crucified One was buried, small and very cramped, became more brilliant than the multitude of royal palaces and more honorable than the kings themselves. "And his rest shall be glory." It is especially surprising that the same thing happened not only to Him, but also to His disciples. During their lifetime they were taken and led, subjected to reproach, imprisonment in chains, and other innumerable torments: and after death they became more honorable than the kings themselves. How? This can be seen from the following.

"And there shall be," says the Scriptures, "His rest be His glory!" All the greatness of this honor you will know when you look at the sign of His death, a cursed death, a death the most reproachful of all kinds of death; for this one kind of death is cursed. In ancient times, for example, some criminals were burned, others were stoned, others were deprived of life in some other way of punishment; but he who was crucified and hanged on a tree (of the cross) suffered not only from being punished with such torment, but also from being cursed: "For cursed is in the sight of God [everyone] hanged [on a tree]," says the Scriptures (Deuteronomy 21:23). But this accursed, reproachful sign of extreme torment has now become desirable and gracious.

It shines at the sacred table, at the ordination of priests, and together with the body of Christ at the Last Supper, everywhere it can be seen ascending: in houses, in marketplaces, in deserts, on roads, on mountains, in caves, on hills, on the sea, on ships, on islands, on couches, on garments, on weapons, in palaces, in banquets, on gold and silver vessels, on precious stones, on wall paintings, on the body of sick animals, on the body of demons, in war, in peace, day and night, in feast meetings and in the cells of ascetics; Thus this wondrous gift, filled with ineffable grace, became desired by all! No one is ashamed or closed at the thought that the cross is a sign of accursed death; On the contrary, we all esteem it to adorn us more than crowns and diadems, and many necklaces of precious stones. Thus he became not only not feared, but also desired, amiable and honorable for all, and shines everywhere: on the walls of houses, on roofs, on books, in cities, in villages, in uninhabited and inhabited places. Now I would gladly ask a pagan why this sign of terrible punishment and accursed death has become amiable and desirable to all, if not from the great power of the Crucified One?

10. But if you are so shameless that you consider it as nothing, and rebel against the truth, and remain blind in the light; now I will give you another proof of how important this is. What kind of proof is this? Judges have many kinds of instruments for torment: wood, whips, claws, leaden prongs, with which they scrape the body, tear and break the limbs.

Foreseeing all this, the prophet said: "And his rest will be glory." This sign of death (I will not cease to speak of it constantly) became a source of great blessing, a wall against all danger, a deadly reflection of the devil, a bridle of demons, a menace to opposing forces; he trampled down death, smashed the brass gates of hell, broke its iron cords, destroyed the stronghold of the devil, cut the fetters of sin, delivered the entire universe from condemnation, healed the wound inflicted on our nature by God's decree.

And not only these, but also subsequent actions reveal its power. Formerly the universe was barren in relation to virtue; the earth was no better than the desert and did not hope to produce anything good; And the cross suddenly made her a paradise and a mother of many children. And the prophet foretold about this long ago: "Be glad, you barren, you who do not give birth; shout and cry out, you who are not in childbirth; for she who is forsaken has many more children than she who has a husband" (Isaiah 54:1). Having made her so, the Lord gave her a law more excellent than the former, about which the prophets also did not keep silent; See what they have foretold: I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not such a covenant as I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt. that covenant of mine they have broken, though I have remained in union with them, saith the Lord. But this is the covenant that I will make with them, "I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts" (Jeremiah 31:31-33). Further, the prophet depicts their rapid change and easy acceptance of the teaching: "And they shall no more teach," he says, "one another, brother to brother, and say, 'Know the Lord,' for all shall know Me for themselves, from the least to the greatest" (Jeremiah 31:34). That the Lord who has come will grant forgiveness of sins to all, and this was also foretold by the prophet in the words: "I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sins no more" (Jeremiah 31:34). What could be clearer than this? With such prophecies he proclaimed the calling of the Gentiles, the superiority of the New Testament over the Old, the ease of conversion and the grace-filled gifts received by believers through baptism.

11. He who has done all these things will one day come as Judge; about which the prophets also did not keep silent and foretold, some contemplating Him in the very form in which He will come, others announcing it in their own words. Thus Daniel, being in the midst of the barbarians of Babylon, saw Him coming in the clouds; listen to the very words of the prophet: "I saw," he says, "with the clouds of heaven one as the Son of man walked, and came to the Ancient of Days, and was brought up to Him. And to Him was given power, glory, and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and tongues should serve Him (Dan. 7:14). And the prophet depicts His judgment as follows: "At last I saw that thrones were set up, and the Ancient of Days sat down; His garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head was like a pure wave; His throne is like a flame of fire, His wheels are a blazing fire. A river of fire went out and passed before Him; thousands of thousands served Him, and thousands of thousands stood before Him; the judges sat down, and the books were opened"

(Dan. 7:9-10). In addition, the prophet shows what honor the righteous will be vouchsafed: "And judgment was given to the saints of the Most High, and the time came that the saints should take possession of the kingdom" (Dan. 7:22). And the prophet Malachi predicts that this judgment will be carried out through fire: "He is like a refining fire, and like a cleansing lye" (Mal. 3:2). Do you see with what accuracy the prophets foretold all things to come? Do you dare not believe after such striking proofs of the power of Christ, after the prophecies that have been connected for so long, and after the events that have come to pass in accordance with the predictions, so that absolutely nothing has remained unfulfilled? And that all this is not invented by us, this is evidenced by the (sacred) books and those who first received them and still maintain and preserve them, our enemies and the descendants of those who crucified the Lord. Why, it will be said, do they not believe, having these books in their possession? For the same reason why they did not believe, seeing His miracles. But this is not the fault of those who are not believed, but of those who see nothing in the middle of the day. Thus God created the visible world, that beautifully tuned organ that everywhere proclaims and glorifies the Creator; but there are people of whom some consider everything to be formed by itself, others consider everything visible to exist from eternity, others attribute its creation and preservation to demons, or to chance and fate, to natural development, to the influence of the stars, etc. A prudent soul sees what must be done, having no need of many aids; but the foolish and insensible, even if she had many guides, having given herself over to passions, remains blind. This can be seen everywhere, not only in the present work (faith), but also in others. How many, for example, are there people who have not heard of the laws, and yet have led a life in accordance with them? And others, from the first age to old age, studied the laws, and yet constantly violated them. This was also the case in ancient times. The Jews, who saw many signs and wonders, did not become better. And the Ninevites, hearing only the appeal, changed and abstained from vices. This can be seen not only in the higher people, but also in the lower ones. What teaching did Judas not receive? and yet he became a traitor. What instruction did the thief hear? - and yet on the cross he confessed the Lord and proclaimed His kingdom. Do not judge things by the opinions of corrupt people, but according to the true nature of things, form a proper opinion about well-intentioned people. The Jews did not believe, but the Gentiles believed. And the prophets did not keep silent about this; thus the Prophet David cries: "The foreigners have lied to me, the foreigners have grown old and have turned away from their paths" (Psalm 17:46); And Isaiah says, "Who has believed what we have heard, and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" (Isaiah 53:1)? And again: "I have made myself known to them that have not inquired about me; Those who have not sought Me have found Me" (Isaiah 65:1). In the same way, during the earthly life of the Lord, the Canaanite and Samaritan women believed in Him, but the priests and elders were at enmity and plotted against Him, inciting others to do the same, and those who believed in Him were expelled from the synagogue. So, do not be surprised at this. Our life is full of similar examples, both in our time and in former times; however, also of the Jews, though not all, but many then and now have believed (in Christ); and that it is not all is not new, and it is not strange; such is ingratitude, such is the folly of a soul given over to passions! Having set forth the prophecies concerning Christ, spoken by the prophets and foretold so many years before, I will now present those prophecies which He Himself, when He lived on earth and dealt with men, spoke of future events, so that you may know His power from them. The Lord, having then come to earth and arranging the salvation of people, both those who lived in past times and those who have to live in the future, arranged this salvation in various ways. And watch how He acts. He works miracles, and foretells some of the distant events to come, assuring the hearers of that time by the events of their time of the truth of future events, and making certain to future generations the miracles which he performed at that time by the fulfillment of his predictions, and thus inspiring faith in his kingdom by a special proof.

12. The prophecies of Jesus Christ were of two kinds: some of them were to be fulfilled in the present life, and others would be fulfilled at the very end of the world; they mutually reinforce themselves and prove with great force the truth of both. I will try to explain unclear words with an example. The twelve disciples were companions of the Lord; Even the name of the church did not come to anyone's mind at that time, because the synagogue was still in a flourishing state. When almost the whole world was given over to wickedness, what did the Lord say and foretell? "Upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18). Consider this saying as you will, and you will see its truth in its full splendour. It is not only surprising that He has established His church throughout the universe, but also that He has made it irresistible and irresistible when it experiences so many hostile attacks. The words: "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it" mean the dangers that lead to hell. Do you see the truth of the prediction? Do you see the power of its fulfillment? Do you see words that are brilliantly justified by deeds, and the irresistible force that easily accomplishes everything? Briefly the saying: "I will build My Church"

This saying, spoken by the Lord then, is now implanted in all souls and is in all lips; the whole earth, so to speak, filled with thorns, was purified, became a pure field, and received the seeds of godliness. It would be a great, indeed great deed, or rather a proof of the extraordinary greatness and divine power, without any hindrance, in time of peace, with the assistance of many and without any enemies, to suddenly tear the universe away from the vicious habits that had been established for so long, and turn it to others far more difficult. And here the opponents were not only skill, but also voluptuousness, these two tyrants. It was necessary to reject what had been received from ancient times from fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers and the most ancient ancestors, from philosophers and rhetoricians; it was very difficult; - and to adopt other new customs that required great feats, which was even more difficult. Christ banished luxury, established fasting; he expelled covetousness, established non-acquisitiveness; he expelled intemperance, established chastity; he drove out anger, established meekness; he drove out envy, established friendliness; He led them away from the broad and broad path, and led them to the strait, sorrowful, and difficult path, and brought those who were accustomed to the broad way. He did not take any other people outside the world without these skills, but those who had become corrupt in this world and had become more worthless than dirt, He commanded them to walk a narrow and sorrowful, harsh and harsh path, and He persuaded them. And how many have you convinced? Not one, not ten, not twenty, not a hundred, but almost all those who live under the sun.

And through them Christ built His church, stretched out from one end of the world to the other!

13. And not only this is surprising, but also that these men, simple, poor, few, ignoble, unlearned, despised, speaking a foreign tongue and despised, chosen for the correction of the whole universe and commanded to turn it to the most difficult things, did not do so in time of peace, but in the face of innumerable attacks being made against them from everywhere. In every nation and city, what do I say, among the people and the city? - in every house they had a struggle ahead of them. The doctrine they preached often separated son from father, daughter-in-law from mother-in-law, brother from brother, slave from master, subordinate from superior, husband from wife, wife from husband, father from children; because not everyone suddenly accepted him; This exposed them to daily enmity, incessant strife, thousands of deaths, and disposed people to treat them as common enemies and enemies. Everyone persecuted them: kings, rulers, commoners, freemen, slaves, peoples and cities; and not only them, but also those who accepted their teaching, but were not yet strong in the faith. There was a general war against both the disciples and the teachers, since this teaching seemed contrary to the king's decrees, and to custom, and to the customs of the fathers.