Creations, Volume 2, Book 1

SECOND CONVERSATION. The sinner should not despair. - If Cain did not receive forgiveness, it is for despair. - If David received forgiveness, it was because of his hope and for the fulfillment of what the prophet said to him. - Confess your sin is the first way of repentance. - The example of Ahab in the case of Naboth's vineyard. - Jonah and the Ninevites. - The third way of repentance is humility. - The example of the Pharisee and the publican. - Humility of Ap. Paul. - Exhortation to the audience. (Corrections - Lyudmila Zhmurina, St. Petersburg)

THIRD CONVERSATION. An overview of the previous discourse on the three paths of repentance. - The fourth way is almsgiving. - Explanation of the parable of the ten virgins. - Without the oil of philanthropy, virginity cannot open heaven. - The power of almsgiving. - It will be the protection of those who make it on the Day of Judgment. - Continuation of the parable of the ten virgins. - The difficulty of virginity, unknown to the ancients. - Generalization and conclusion. (Corrections - Lyudmila Zhmurina, St. Petersburg)

CONVERSATION FOUR. The consolation of repentance. - The example of others as an encouragement to us in the matter of repentance. - The ease of doing virtue in adversity, and its difficulty in prosperity. - The saints do not lose heart in misfortune, do not puff up in happiness. - Christians should seek refuge not with people, but in the bosom of God. - If God allows us to suffer often, it is in order to encourage us to resort to Him.

CONVERSATION FIVE. Lent gathers us in the house of God and brings us into the arms of our mother Church. - He drives away demons, supports the virtue of hermits, brings Moses and Elijah into the presence of God. - Neglect of fasting brings a death sentence, through its observance this sentence is canceled. - The example of the Ninevites. "A three-day fast saved them. - Repentance cleanses sins over time. - An example of Ap. Peter. - By fasting Daniel got rid of the lions and the three youths from the fiery furnace. - Fasting is good even for health. -Conclusion.

SIXTH DISCOURSE. Introductory Remarks on the Large Number of Congregations. - Fasting does not benefit those who, while abstaining from food, do not at the same time abstain from sin. - It is useless to fast and at the same time attend spectacles. - A word against spectacles. - Staying in the theater - entails adultery. - Explanation of the saying: Whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. - The seeming difficulty of this saying. - God does not require anything impossible. - Both the old and the new law come from the same Lawgiver. - The proof of this is in Jeremiah. - In the Sermon on the Mount the laws of the Old and New Testaments are compared to show that they do not contradict each other, but complement each other.

SEVENTH DISCOURSE. Repentance as a healing remedy for sin. - The miraculous long-suffering of God towards sinners, proved by the fact that from the evil root can sometimes come good fruits. - The example of Job, descended from Esau. - The reason for long-suffering towards sinners is the hope for their correction. - For the good of all, God is often lenient with the sinner and strict with the righteous. - Repentance is achieved not by the length of time, but by the disposition of the heart. - Man is slow to create, quick to destroy - which is contrary to God. - God appointed seven days for the destruction of Jericho. - About Rahab as a repentant sinner and who became a prototype of the Church. - Sin begets sorrow, and sorrow destroys sin. - Whoever gives to the poor does God a favor.

CONVERSATION EIGHT. Like Noah's Ark, the church receives kites, wolves and snakes into its bowels; But while the ark released them the same as He received them, the church transforms them by repentance into doves, sheep, lambs. - Repentance will also benefit the one who has spent his whole life in sin. - God's mercy is boundless. - Man's sinfulness disappears in God's mercy, like a spark in the sea. - One should not be ashamed to resort to the church with repentance. - You need to be ashamed only of sin. - The devil inspires us with insolence to sin and shame to repentance. - The proof of this truth is in the Holy Scriptures. - Explanation of the first chapter from the book of the prophet Isaiah.

DISCOURSE NINE. About the need for good deeds. - Refutation of objections about the difficulty of these affairs in the midst of the vanity of this world. - Exhortation to attend church and to reverently abide in it during the celebration of the terrible Mysteries of Christ. - A reminder of the end of the world. - The necessity of doing good deeds and repentance on earth, because at the end of the present life the opportunity for them will end.

Laudatory Discourses on the Feasts of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Saints.

V. Беседа в день Рождества Господа нашего Иисуса Христа.

О времени установления праздника Рождества Христова. - Тайна Рождества Христова. - Укрепление верующих против издевательств язычников. - Обличение злоупотребления при св. причащении. - К св. тайнам должно приступать с благоговением и благоприличием. - Величие и святость этого таинства.

VI. Беседа о Крещении Господа и о Богоявлении.

Увещание народу о посещении церкви. - О двояком явлении Иисуса Христа: о Его явлении волхвам и о будущем последнем пришествии, когда Он явится во славе своей. - Чудесное сохранение крещенской воды от порчи. - Различие между крещением иудейским и христианским, между крещением Иоанна Предтечи и Господа Христа. - Объяснение того, как Христос исполнил всякую правду. - Увещание к народу о том, что к св. причащению должно приступать с благоговением и страхом.

VII. О предательстве Иуды.