Creations, Volume 3, Book 1

IV. CONVERSATION about the paralytic,

lowered through the roof; that he is not the same as that spoken of in John; and of the equality of the Son with the Father.

At the beginning of this discourse, the preacher says that some time ago he had already delivered a discourse on a paralytic who had suffered for thirty-eight years, which undoubtedly points to the twelfth discourse against the Amoneans (see Pr. I.), in which it is proved, through the miraculous healing of the paralytic, that the Son is equal to the Father in omnipotence. - This discourse, as it is believed, was pronounced by Chrysostom in the year 398, when he was already Archbishop of Constantinople; To the same time should be attributed the conversation about the paralytic who was lowered through the roof. - The properties of spiritual riches are that they are never exhausted. - The story of this paralytic teaches us to endure the trials of life. God is always Father and Physician, whether He acts with severity or with condescension. - The need for the help of divine grace. - The preacher moves on to the second paralytic. - Evangelists do not contradict each other. - The difference between these two paralytics. - The greatness of the faith of the paralytic. - Christ manifests His divinity. -Absolution. - Exhortation to patience in sorrows.



about those who did not come to the church assembly; that the inscriptions of the Divine Scriptures should not be ignored; about the inscription on the altar and about the newly enlightened.

With this discourse begins a series of discourses, five in all, on the question of the inscription of the book of Acts; the first of them speaks of the title of the book itself, the second of the author, the third of the beginning of the book and the difference between action and miracle, the fourth of the benefit of reading the Holy Scriptures. The fifth is about why the book of the Acts of the Apostles is read at Pentecost. The second of these discourses has come down to us only in an insufficient and even distorted form, which is why it is referred by the Benedictine publishers to the end of Volume III.

The preacher complains that the church, which had been completely crowded on the previous Sunday, was now almost empty, and especially that there are no rich people in the church. - Denunciation of spectacles. - The abuse of wealth is to be condemned, not the riches themselves. - Those who do not attend church services are worse than Jews. - One should not neglect even the very titles of the Holy Scriptures. Scriptures, since Ap. Paul, when he was in Athens, even used the inscription on the pagan altar. - What does the Acts of the Apostles mean? -Up. Paul defeated paganism just as David defeated the Philistine giant. - Who is a true neophyte?


in an assembly that took place some time later in the ancient church, on the inscription of the Acts of the Apostles, and on the fact that a virtuous life is more useful than signs and wonders, and what is the difference between activity and signs.

Explanation of the words: "On this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." - Such is the stronghold of the Church, against which all the efforts of paganism and heresy have been defeated. - The church was created by the hands of the apostles on the foundation of the prophets. - Why is the book of the Acts of the Apostles given this particular name, and not some other one? - The difference between deeds and miracles. - Deeds come from will and grace, miracles only from grace; it is the deeds, and not the miracles, that open the heavens. - What makes the apostles is love, not miracles. - Proof of this idea through the explanation of the miracle of the healing of the lame apostle. Peter at the door of the church. - Conclusion and exhortation.


that the reading of the Holy Scriptures. It is also useful that it makes the attentive inaccessible to slavery and oppressive circumstances, and also that the name of the apostles is the name of many virtues, and that the apostles received power and authority much greater than external rulers and kings themselves, and finally to the newly-enlightened.

The introduction to the discourse, in which the preacher praises his listeners for their zeal in hearing the Word of God and compares the Holy Scriptures. Scripture with a delightful meadow and an inexhaustible spring. - A person who reads the Holy Scriptures every day. Scripture is "like a tree planted by streams of waters." - The preacher gradually explains to his listeners the Holy Scriptures. Scripture, so that it falls on their souls like a pleasant rain, so that it penetrates them better. - Generalization of previous conversations and the subject of this conversation. - About what an apostle is. - The grace of apostleship embraces the fullness of all the gifts of grace. - An Apostle is a counselor in the spiritual life. - The Comparison Between the Apostle and the Chief. - Exhortation to the newly baptized.