Volume 4, Book 1 (1 part of Genesis)

CONVERSATION 2. The joy of Chrysostom at the onset of Lent, which is the best time for church teachings from the Divine Scriptures. The opening words of the first book of Moses must be taken as the words of the Lord Himself, not by testing what is above us, but by humbly believing. Moses does not speak of the creation of invisible powers, and the reason for this. Great power of words: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth against false teachers and solved the perplexity about the creation of the universe from something that does not exist. Why is the primordial earth called invisible and unformed? A Christian must not only know and preserve the true teaching of the faith, but also arrange his life in accordance with them.

CONVERSATION 3. Great is the richness and depth of the Divine Scriptures. Explanation of the words: And darkness was on the top of the deep, and the Spirit of God was on the top of the waters. The creation of light and the madness of those who say that matter existed before heaven and earth. Why didn't God create everything in one day? Against those who say that everything happened by itself. A Christian must take care not only of his own fear, but also of his neighbors, and constantly struggle with the full armor of faith against the wiles of the devil and his passions, maintaining constant vigilance and giving alms.

CONVERSATION 4. The joy of the holy preacher at the sight of the zeal of his listeners and the stirring up of the yoke to constant spiritual vigilance. Explanation of the words: Let there be a firmament in the midst... and he called God the firmament of heaven. The sky is one, not many heavens. The words of the Holy Scriptures. The Scriptures must be understood in a God-like manner, and, ascending from the consideration of creatures to the Creator, we must not forget human limitations. Moral instructions about the daily examination of oneself, about love for those who love and hate, and about the curbing of passions.

CONVERSATION 5. Christians must, like gold diggers, daily investigate the Holy Scriptures. Scripture and carefully preserve the treasure of virtue obtained, for which there will be a reward in the future life. Explanation of the works of creation on the third day. Rebuke of the Jews, who considered the evening to be the beginning of the day. Great is the harm of addiction to human glory.

DISCOURSE 6. A strong accusation of those present in the equestrian lists; the sinfulness of this and the threat to the irreparable. - The creation of heavenly bodies and the greatness of their Creator. The madness of those who deified the sun. What does it mean, "Lay me in the firmament of heaven, for signs, and for times, and for days, and for years?" All creatures are created for man, who, using them or marveling at their beauty, must worship the Creator with his praise and good life.

CONVERSATION 7. Continuation of the exhortation to those who went to the spectacle; the heavy responsibility of those Christians who, by their behavior, give cause for temptation to unbelievers. An explanation of the work of creation on the fifth day and a rebuke of those who do not think righteously about the origin of the universe and the purpose of creating certain creatures. The dumb creatures created on the sixth day, and their divine approval. An exhortation to stir oneself up to the praise of the Lord and to bring to the truth others who are stagnant in error.

DISCOURSE 8. Stirring up the attention of listeners and explaining the biblical account of the creation of man: divine counsel before his creation and the origin of man after all other creatures. To whom is it said: Let us make man? What is meant by the image of God? Exhortation of listeners to teach others the truths taught not only by word, but by an even more virtuous life. What does a God-pleasing fast consist of?

DISCOURSE 9. Lent is the most convenient time to delve into the truths of the Divine Scriptures. A brief recapitulation of the preceding discourses and the resolution of perplexity regarding the power of man over animals. The likeness of God and the possibility for a person to achieve this. As a result, man is then deprived of a certain part of his power over animals, and for what purpose? Revealed in the fate of the primordial, as well as of each of the people, the wisdom and goodness of God and the beneficial influence of contemplation about this on the moral life of man.

CONVERSATION 10. An exhortation to those who are ashamed to come to the evening service and spiritual instruction after dinner, and a continuation of the explanation of the words of Scripture about the creation of man, about the power given to him over earthly creatures, about the divine blessing of the primordial husband and wife, about the appointment of appropriate food for them and all living creatures, and the divine approval of all created things. What is the meaning of the words: and rest on the seventh day from all Thy works, and bless... and sanctify it? An instruction to the listeners to convey the content of the conversation to those who were absent from the church and to constantly remember God themselves.

DISCOURSE 11. Rational order and purpose in the phenomena of nature, human affairs and ecclesiastical institutions: the expediency of establishing the Holy Forty Days and the task of the Christian life is to advance in virtue, eradicate passions and correct shortcomings, following the example of holy men who were of the same nature with us. An example of Ap. Paul, his humility and greatest feats according to his own image, forced by circumstances.

DISCOURSE 12. Chrysostom's return to the explanation of the words of the Book of Chrysostom, interrupted for a while. Genesis about the creation that followed six days. What is the meaning of the book of Genesis in heaven and earth? Divine omnipotence in the productivity of the primitive earth and its foundation on the waters. The obedience of the earthly elements to the Lord and the need for a person to obey the will of God, if he does not want to become like senseless cattle. The creation of the human body from the dust of the earth and the breath of life in his face. The superiority of the soul over the body and the lesson that follows from it.

DISCOURSE 13. Praise for the zeal of the listeners, which arouses the zeal of Chrysostom the preacher. The ineffable love of God for man, expressed in the image of his creation. Against those who said that the human soul is from the essence of God, or did not distinguish it from the vital force of animals. Why was the human body created before the soul? The paradise of Eden was on Earth, not in heaven, and the story of its planting must be understood in a Godly manner, without going into allegories. A Christian must combine a virtuous life with pure dogmas.

DISCOURSE 14. An inducement of listeners to the most attentive consideration of the words of the Divine Scriptures. Explanation of the words: And the Lord God took a man and set him in a paradise of sweetness, to make him and to keep him. The honor and purpose of giving the commandment not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is not good for the man alone; let us make him a helper after him. Naming animals as a manifestation of the wisdom of the primordial and its dominion over animals.

DISCOURSE 15. Chrysostom's gratitude to his listeners for their love of the word of God and the explanation of the words: "Adam will not find a helper like him." The creation of a woman from Adam's rib during his ecstasy and extraordinary sleep, and the divine names used in the Scriptures. Adam's prophetic gift and the greatness of divine blessings to him; hence the moral lesson to the listeners about gratitude to God through deeds of virtue and the eradication of passions and weaknesses.