Creations, Volume 7, Book 1

DISCOURSE TEN. Explanation 3:1-6. What time is meant by the expression "in the days of ona". - Why Christ was baptized at the age of thirty. - The difference between the baptism of John and the baptism given by Christ. - The purpose of John's coming. - The appearance and activity of John were foretold by the prophets. - John's Way of Life. - Exhortation to imitate John. - The nearness of judgment and the need for repentance. - Repentance consists not only in abandoning evil deeds, but also in replacing them with good deeds. - Why God does not quickly fulfill our requests. - The Benefits of Temptation.

CONVERSATION ELEVEN. Explanation 3:7-12. The unbelief of the Pharisees who came to John. - John's denunciation of the Pharisees did not deprive them of the hope of salvation through repentance. - It does not take a long time to repent. - The superiority of the baptism of Christ over the baptism of John. - Why does John speak of the gift of the Holy Spirit, keeping silent about the previous works of Christ? - Baptism alone is not enough for salvation; a virtuous life is also required. - You need to benefit from the sermon. - Virtue must be learned gradually, moving from the easiest to the most difficult. - The benefits of epitimias. - Acquisition of skill in virtue.

DISCOURSE TWELVE. Explanation 3:13-17. The baptism of John did not despise Christ. - Christ was baptized to fulfill the entire law. - Why did the Holy Spirit descend? after baptism to Jesus. - Why the Jews, who saw the descent of the Spirit, did not believe in Christ. - On everyone who is baptized, even now, the Holy Spirit descends. - Why the Holy Spirit. descended in the form of a dove. - The Holy Spirit. not inferior in dignity to the Son of God. - Having fulfilled the baptism of the Jews, Christ opened the door to the baptism of the New Testament. - A Christian must lead a life worthy of the gift of baptism. - A believer must justify his teaching before the pagans in practice and serve as an example for them.

DISCOURSE THIRTEEN. Explanation 4:1-11. Why did Christ endure temptations in the wilderness? - The Benefits of Temptation. - You should not seek temptations yourself. - Fasting is a weapon against the devil. - Why Christ fasted for 40 days. - The meaning and significance of the three temptations. - By his example, Christ teaches how to defeat the devil. - The variety of means used by the devil for seduction. - You should not strenuously seek a quiet life. - Prosperous sinners will be subjected to the heaviest punishment. - Certainty of future judgment and retribution; proof of this.

CONVERSATION FOURTEEN. Explanation IV, 12-24. Why does Christ retire to Galilee? - What is Galilee. - Why Christ begins preaching after John. - The Calling of Peter and Andrew. - An example of obedience to Christ, shown by them. - Why Christ worked miracles at the beginning of the sermon. - Even now Christ heals spiritual illnesses - the source of bodily illnesses. - In order to ask for absolution of sins, you need to feel your sins. - Impenitence angers God most of all. - After death, a sinner cannot receive forgiveness.

CONVERSATION FIFTEEN. Explanation 5:1-16. By His example, Christ teaches not to do anything for show. - Addressing His speech to His disciples, Christ speaks through them to all people. - Who is meant by the poor in spirit. Humility is the beginning of all piety. - Weeping over sins frees you from addiction to earthly things. - The consolation given by God helps to overcome everything. - By the earth, promised to the meek, we also mean sensual blessings. - Who is meant by those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, who are merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers and exiles for the sake of righteousness, and what is their reward? - Not all reproach makes people blessed. - The Kingdom of Heaven is not promised by the poor in spirit alone. - Why the last commandment is addressed directly to the disciples. - To endure backbiting is a greater feat than to endure danger. - The commandments pave the way for one another. - What is the meaning of the expressions: "you are the salt of the earth" and "the light of the world". - The power of preaching shows the power of Christ. - Virtue cannot hide. "She's the only one who makes you happy. - Those who slander inwardly praise virtue. - The life of a Christian must justify the teaching. - Rebuke to those who pursue gain, give alms out of vanity, amuse themselves with the quarrels of others, and exhort them not to stir up strife and quarrels, and to forgive offenses.

CONVERSATION SIXTEEN. Explanation 5:17-26. Why does Christ say that He does not destroy the law? - Why does He say and do some things with authority, other things with humility and with prayer to God? - How Christ fulfilled the law and the prophets. - The commandments that filled in the old law are already given in the preceding Beatitudes. - Why Christ calls His commandments small. - Your own affairs must precede learning. - The Old Testament truth is akin to the New Testament. - Why great feats are required in the New Testament. - The commandments of Christ affirm and complete the commandments of the Old Testament. - The Old Testament law testifies to the goodness of the Lawgiver. - The lawgiver of the Old and New Testaments is one. - Not all anger is forbidden by Christ. - Why Christ threatens hell for insulting with words. - Reconciliation with a brother is a true sacrifice to God. - Why is it commanded to make peace with the rival soon? - Slowness in doing good deeds is the cause of great evils. - The motivation for virtue should be the thought that we do everything for God. - God's help makes everything easy. - Virtue seems difficult for a person as long as he is in sin.

CONVERSATION SEVENTEEN. Explanation 5:27-37. Why does Christ begin His teaching not with the commandment about monotheism? - What wish does Christ forbid? - Why is the very view of a woman forbidden? - Denunciation of women who love outfits. - One should distance oneself from seducing people, even if they are close ones. - Why did the law allow you to give a divorce certificate? - Why marriage with a released woman is prohibited. - Restriction of the freedom of divorce. - Prohibition of oaths. - For the one who fulfills the commandments of Christ, there can be no need for an oath. - Why divorce and oath were allowed in the Old Testament. - The same thing, depending on the time, can be both good and bad. - A person in the New Testament is required to be more perfect than in the Old. "How can you break the habit of swearing?"

CONVERSATION EIGHTEEN. Explanation 5:38-48. Why was the law given an eye for an eye? - What does it mean not to resist evil? - The command to turn the other cheek to the one who strikes expresses the general law of gentleness. - Evil is overcome by patience. - The commandments about non-resistance are easy to fulfill. - Their fulfillment also benefits those who offend. "One must endure even suffering without resistance. - Nine degrees of gentleness. - The highest degree of virtue is prayer for enemies. - The model of gentleness given by Christ. - Exhortation to treat the angry as if they were sick, to warn one another with greetings, and to be prepared for all kinds of offense and contempt - for God's sake.

CONVERSATION NINETEEN. Revelation 6:1-15. Vanity imperceptibly attaches itself to virtue. - God looks at the intention of the one who does good works. - How alms and prayer should be done. - The Savior's commandment does not forbid prayer in church. - In church, decency should be observed during prayer. - What is required of the one who prays is not a loud cry, but a contrition of heart. - Constancy in prayer. - Why do we need to pray if God knows our needs? - The name of God as Father contains the doctrine of all virtue. - Explanation of the Lord's Prayer. - Forgiveness of offenses is primarily commanded by Christ. - It most of all likens man to God. - Praying for vengeance on one's enemies angers God. - Remembering your own sins is the best way to learn to forgive offenses.

CONVERSATION TWENTIETH. Explanation 6:16-23. Those who pretend to fast deserve special condemnation. - The deception of the hypocrite is exposed both in the present life and in the next. - Virtue should be revered for its own sake. - Christ gradually destroys the passion of greed. - A twofold motive to almsgiving. - Wealth enslaves the soul. - As the eye is to the body, so is the mind to the soul. - Wealth does not deliver what a person expects from it. "It makes him incapable of anything truly useful. - How can the lust for wealth be destroyed? - The remoteness of retribution should not be an obstacle to the accumulation of treasures in heaven.

DISCOURSE TWENTY-ONE. Explanation 6:24-27. The twofold harm of wealth. - You can be rich, but not serve mammon. - Why wealth is called mammon. - Christ forbids caring for the needs of life. - The feasibility of the commandment. - Why this commandment seems impossible to fulfill. - Generous alms are the way to complete non-acquisitiveness.

DISCOURSE TWENTY-TWO. Explanation 6:28-34. Why, speaking of concern for clothing, Christ cites the example of a lily. - God's providence for man. - Why Christ appropriates the providence of God the Father. - Faith in Providence frees you from useless worries and cowardice. - The search for heavenly blessings also yields earthly blessings. - Everything we do, we do with God's help. - What does the expression dovest dnevi his malice mean? - A sincere desire makes every commandment easy to fulfill. - There is no sin that cannot be erased by repentance. - God does not save a person against his will. - Fervent prayer is always heard. - God cannot be the enemy of man. - Prayer is always timely and pleasing to God.

DISCOURSE TWENTY-THREE. Explanation 7:1-20. The commandment of non-condemnation does not command not to judge all sins and does not forbid everyone to judge. - It is necessary to correct those who sin with love. - He who has not corrected himself should not condemn another. - It is not necessary to reveal the teaching of Christ to people who are not able to accept it. - The Gospel commandments are easily fulfilled with God's help, given through prayer. - Do not despair of receiving what you ask for. - What to pray for. - Along with prayer, a good life is also necessary. - What makes the difficult path leading to life easy. - It is necessary to recognize and avoid those who hide behind the mask of virtue. - A hypocrite can be easily recognized by his deeds. - The deprivation of heavenly glory and love of Christ is heavier than hell itself. - The life of people devoted to worldly concerns is like a child's game. - He who squanders his possessions to help the needy is more worthy of respect than he who gathers; humiliated - more than famous.