Creations, Volume 7, Book 1

CONVERSATION SEVENTEEN. Explanation 5:27-37. Why does Christ begin His teaching not with the commandment about monotheism? - What wish does Christ forbid? - Why is the very view of a woman forbidden? - Denunciation of women who love outfits. - One should distance oneself from seducing people, even if they are close ones. - Why did the law allow you to give a divorce certificate? - Why marriage with a released woman is prohibited. - Restriction of the freedom of divorce. - Prohibition of oaths. - For the one who fulfills the commandments of Christ, there can be no need for an oath. - Why divorce and oath were allowed in the Old Testament. - The same thing, depending on the time, can be both good and bad. - A person in the New Testament is required to be more perfect than in the Old. "How can you break the habit of swearing?"

CONVERSATION EIGHTEEN. Explanation 5:38-48. Why was the law given an eye for an eye? - What does it mean not to resist evil? - The command to turn the other cheek to the one who strikes expresses the general law of gentleness. - Evil is overcome by patience. - The commandments about non-resistance are easy to fulfill. - Their fulfillment also benefits those who offend. "One must endure even suffering without resistance. - Nine degrees of gentleness. - The highest degree of virtue is prayer for enemies. - The model of gentleness given by Christ. - Exhortation to treat the angry as if they were sick, to warn one another with greetings, and to be prepared for all kinds of offense and contempt - for God's sake.

CONVERSATION NINETEEN. Revelation 6:1-15. Vanity imperceptibly attaches itself to virtue. - God looks at the intention of the one who does good works. - How alms and prayer should be done. - The Savior's commandment does not forbid prayer in church. - In church, decency should be observed during prayer. - What is required of the one who prays is not a loud cry, but a contrition of heart. - Constancy in prayer. - Why do we need to pray if God knows our needs? - The name of God as Father contains the doctrine of all virtue. - Explanation of the Lord's Prayer. - Forgiveness of offenses is primarily commanded by Christ. - It most of all likens man to God. - Praying for vengeance on one's enemies angers God. - Remembering your own sins is the best way to learn to forgive offenses.

CONVERSATION TWENTIETH. Explanation 6:16-23. Those who pretend to fast deserve special condemnation. - The deception of the hypocrite is exposed both in the present life and in the next. - Virtue should be revered for its own sake. - Christ gradually destroys the passion of greed. - A twofold motive to almsgiving. - Wealth enslaves the soul. - As the eye is to the body, so is the mind to the soul. - Wealth does not deliver what a person expects from it. "It makes him incapable of anything truly useful. - How can the lust for wealth be destroyed? - The remoteness of retribution should not be an obstacle to the accumulation of treasures in heaven.

DISCOURSE TWENTY-ONE. Explanation 6:24-27. The twofold harm of wealth. - You can be rich, but not serve mammon. - Why wealth is called mammon. - Christ forbids caring for the needs of life. - The feasibility of the commandment. - Why this commandment seems impossible to fulfill. - Generous alms are the way to complete non-acquisitiveness.

DISCOURSE TWENTY-TWO. Explanation 6:28-34. Why, speaking of concern for clothing, Christ cites the example of a lily. - God's providence for man. - Why Christ appropriates the providence of God the Father. - Faith in Providence frees you from useless worries and cowardice. - The search for heavenly blessings also yields earthly blessings. - Everything we do, we do with God's help. - What does the expression dovest dnevi his malice mean? - A sincere desire makes every commandment easy to fulfill. - There is no sin that cannot be erased by repentance. - God does not save a person against his will. - Fervent prayer is always heard. - God cannot be the enemy of man. - Prayer is always timely and pleasing to God.

DISCOURSE TWENTY-THREE. Explanation 7:1-20. The commandment of non-condemnation does not command not to judge all sins and does not forbid everyone to judge. - It is necessary to correct those who sin with love. - He who has not corrected himself should not condemn another. - It is not necessary to reveal the teaching of Christ to people who are not able to accept it. - The Gospel commandments are easily fulfilled with God's help, given through prayer. - Do not despair of receiving what you ask for. - What to pray for. - Along with prayer, a good life is also necessary. - What makes the difficult path leading to life easy. - It is necessary to recognize and avoid those who hide behind the mask of virtue. - A hypocrite can be easily recognized by his deeds. - The deprivation of heavenly glory and love of Christ is heavier than hell itself. - The life of people devoted to worldly concerns is like a child's game. - He who squanders his possessions to help the needy is more worthy of respect than he who gathers; humiliated - more than famous.

DISCOURSE TWENTY-FOUR. Explanation 7:21-27. Neither right faith nor the gift of miracles are useful in the absence of virtue. - Grace often works in those who are unworthy for the good of others. - Virtue alone brings security in the present life. - No one can harm a righteous man. - Numerous works do not bring any benefit to the wicked. - The example of the Apostles and the Jews shows the power of virtue and the impotence of vice. - Vice is powerless against virtue. - The life of the wicked is full of sorrow and fear.

DISCOURSE TWENTY-FIVE. Explanation 7:28 - 8:4. The power of Christ's teaching. - Why teaching is followed by the performance of miracles. - Why Christ heals a leper with the touch of his hand. - One must have God in mind not only in time of illness, but also in health. - Why does Christ sometimes keep the law, sometimes does not keep it? - Christ does everything on His part to attract people to faith. - Gratitude to God is the best way to preserve His favor. - We should thank God for the benefits granted not only to us, but also to others. - Every gift of God is great. - God often does good against the will of man himself. - Humility makes you grateful to God.

DISCOURSE TWENTY-SIX. Explanation 8:5-13. Christ praises those who have had a high opinion of Him. - Matthew and Luke speak of the same miracle, mutually complementing each other. - The height of the centurion's faith and virtue. - Christ proclaims the doctrine of justification by faith and the calling of the Gentiles. - As for the virtuous there may be a fall, so for the wicked there may be correction. - The example of David teaches how a virtuous person needs constant vigilance, and how easy it is to rise after a fall.

DISCOURSE TWENTY-SEVEN. Explanation 8:14-22. With what rapidity did Christ perform healings. - Bodily illnesses are the consequences of sins. - Christ did nothing out of vanity. - Christ attracted the people not only by miracles, but also by the pleasantness of His appearance. - Christ gave answers to those who questioned according to their inner disposition. - Care for spiritual things should be preferred to everything else. - Those who live in sins are worse than the dead.

DISCOURSE TWENTY-EIGHT. Explanation 8:23-34. Why did Christ take only the disciples and let them be overwhelmed by the waves? - The difference between the miracle of Christ and the miracle of Moses. - Demons confess the divinity of Christ. - The agreement of the Evangelists in the narration of the healing of the demon-possessed. - Why did the possessed live in coffins? - The soul that has departed from the body does not remain on earth. - God provides for every person. - Why did Christ allow demons to drown pigs? - Lovers of money suffer from a more serious illness than those possessed by demons. - The image of a lover of money. - Love of money harms the very acquisition of wealth.

DISCOURSE TWENTY-NINE. Explanation 9:1-8. Matthew and John speak of two different paralytics. - Christ confirms his divine dignity and dishonor with the Father through the remission of sins, the discovery of the secret thoughts of enemies, and the healing of the paralytic. - Enemies of the truth must be corrected with meekness.

THIRTIETH CONVERSATION. Explanation 9:9-17. Why Matthew is called after others. - The power of Christ and the obedience of Matthew. - Reliability of the Gospels. - Why Christ shared a meal with Matthew and other sinners. - The treatment and correction of sinners is preferred to sacrifice. - Those who are not approved should not be burdened with heavy commandments. - In correcting others, one must imitate Christ, beginning with the lightest. - Instructions on how to correct wives who love to adorn themselves.