Creations, Volume 7, Book 1

DISCOURSE THIRTY-ONE. Explanation 9:18-26. The request of the ruler of the synagogue for the healing of his daughter. - Why did the bleeding woman secretly approach Christ, and why did He reveal her? - Superiority of the bleeding woman before the ruler of the synagogue. - Christ teaches not to be afraid of death. - The truth of the resurrections performed by Christ is confirmed by previous and subsequent circumstances. - Belief in the resurrection and a future blessed life forbids weeping for the dead. - Lamentation for the dead comes from a perverse love for them. - Death frees from earthly calamities.

DISCOURSE THIRTY-TWO. Explanation 9:27-10:15. Why does Christ require those who are healed to confess their faith, and forbids them to talk about healing? - The actions of Christ are the opposite of the actions of the devil. - He who does good for God must respond to backbiting with good deeds. - The image and purpose of the apprenticeship embassy. - The peace promised by Christ is given in the church through the Primates. - Those who reject this world are threatened with severe punishment. An exhortation to observe reverence in the church and to show love both to the preacher and to each other. - You should not demand miracles from a preacher. - Virtue is higher than miracles and more useful.

DISCOURSE THIRTY-THREE. Explanation 10:16-22. A new law of warfare given to the apostles. - The meek conquer by the power of grace, although they should also give their help. - What is meant by the wisdom of the serpent? - The feasibility of Christ's commandment is confirmed by the example of the Apostles. - The obedience of the apostles to Christ. - The work of the apostles, both in terms of the conditions of accomplishment and in its greatness, immeasurably surpasses the deeds of pagan philosophers and famous men. - The reason for the success of their preaching. - The example of the apostles deprives those who fall and are exhausted in times of peace of excuse. - One must become accustomed to exploits before they occur. - The example of Job.

DISCOURSE THIRTY-FOUR. Explanation 10:23-33. Christ comforts His disciples with the promise of His speedy coming, the example of His own sufferings, the hope of future blessings, and the success of preaching. - Contempt for death saves from true death. - To confess Christ, the help of grace is needed. - Why, in addition to heartfelt faith, oral confession is also required. - You should not be afraid of death. - One should rejoice that the body decays - How many evil consequences would the indecay of the body have. - The beauty of the soul imparts beauty to the body. - One must love and seek the beauty of the soul.

DISCOURSE THIRTY-FIVE. Explanation 10:34-42. Like-mindedness is not always useful. - The cause of the battle wrought by Christ is human malice. - Unity and agreement of the Old and New Testaments. - One must obey one's parents in that which is not contrary to piety. - For Christ's sake, you must be ready for any death. - Reward for those who receive the apostles. - Everyone in need of help should be accepted. - One should not reproach the beggar. - Need excuses the shamelessness of the beggar. - He who rebukes the beggar shows greater shamelessness. - Reproach to those who refuse alms out of laziness and pride.

DISCOURSE THIRTY-SIX. Explanation 11:1-6. The purpose of John's embassy to Christ. - Christ's Answer to John's Disciples. - Refutation of erroneous opinions about the purpose of the embassy: John, like other prophets, knew about the suffering and death of Christ; the preaching of the forerunner about Christ was not needed in hell. - Those who lived virtuously before the coming of Christ will enjoy all good things. - The existence of future punishments does not violate the truth of God.

DISCOURSE THIRTY-SEVEN. Explanation 11:7-24. How Christ defends John against the suspicions of the people. - Why John is called the greater prophet. - Christ cannot be compared with John. - The cessation of the appearance of the prophets proves that Jesus is the Messiah. - John and Christ followed opposite paths to the same goal. - The Jews' unbelief in John and Christ cannot be justified. - Exhortation to hospitality. - Against shameful songs and stories. - Harm caused to family and social life by spectacles. - Where to look for pure pleasures.

DISCOURSE THIRTY-EIGHT. Explanation 11:25-30. The variety of means used by Christ to stir up faith in the Jews. - Humility makes a person worthy of revelation. - Consubstantiality of the Son with the Father. - The impossibility of full knowledge of the Father and the Son. - Humility is the mother of all wisdom. - The yoke of vice is heavier than the yoke of virtue. - Confirmation of this truth by the example of people who love poverty, and are rich, not malicious and angry.

DISCOURSE THIRTY-NINE. Explanation 12:1-8. Christ did not break the Sabbath for no reason. - How He protects His disciples from being accused by the Pharisees of breaking the Sabbath. - The purpose of the Old Testament law on the Sabbath. - Its uselessness in the New Testament. - The true holiday consists in the removal from all evil. - Grace makes it easy to fulfill the commandments when we make our own efforts.

БЕСЕДА СОРОКОВАЯ. Изъяснение 12:9-24. Милосердие Господа и бесчеловечие и злоба иудеев. - Благодеяния, оказываемые Христом, особенно возбуждали против Него ненависть иудеев. - Зависть - худшее из зол. - Средства освобождения от зависти: сознание великой греховности ее, причиняемого ею вреда самому завидующему и ничтожества внешних преимуществ, возбуждающих зависть.

БЕСЕДА СОРОК ПЕРВАЯ. Изъяснение 12:25-32. Опровержение клеветы фарисеев и цель его. - В каком смысле хула на Духа Св. не прощается. - Самоосуждение и сердечное сокрушение - путь к совершенству и избавлению от наказаний.

БЕСЕДА СОРОК ВТОРАЯ. Изъяснение 12:33-37. Цель обличения фарисеев. - Почему Христос называет их порождениями ехидн. - Выражаемое словами, - худое ли, доброе ли, - есть только избыток внутреннего. - Всякий будет судим по собственным словам. - Обижающий несчастнее обижаемого; подтверждающие это примеры. - Не должно оглашать чужих грехов, даже и явных. - Должно заниматься испытанием собственной совести. - Время и место для такого испытания. - Беспечность и леность - причина недоступности добродетелей.

БЕСЕДА СОРОК ТРЕТЬЯ. Изъяснение 12:38-45. Для чего фарисеи просили знамения. - Знамением силы Христовой служат бедствия, постигшие иудеев. - Действительность смерти Христовой. - Справедливость наказаний, понесенных иудеями после смерти Христа. - Освободившийся от зол, но не сделавшийся благоразумнее, подвергается более тяжкому наказанию. - Сильные страдания не облегчаются видом страданий других. - Польза напоминания о геенне. - Увещание к исправлению жизни. Условия общественной и семейной жизни не служат препятствием для добродетели.

БЕСЕДА СОРОК ЧЕТВЕРТАЯ. Изъяснение 12:46-13:9. Цель упрека, сделанного Христом матери и братьям. - Родство по плоти не приносит никакой пользы, если нет родства духовного. - Изъяснение притчи о сеятеле. - Семя погибает не во вине сеющего. - Погибель и плодоношение зависят от воли приемлющего. - Для спасения недостаточно одной какой-либо добродетели. - Вред, причиняемый телу и душе пресыщением.