Volume-4 Fundamentals of the Art of Holiness

needlework. Someone dropped a wallet with a thousand coins. The elder, having found him, stopped in the same place, saying: "Of course, he who has lost it will return." And so the one who has lost walks and cries. The elder took him aside and gave him his purse. He grabbed the elder and wanted to give him some of the money, but the elder did not accept it. Then the loser cried out: "Come, see what the man of God has done!" But the saint had already disappeared and left the city, not wishing to make his deed public and be glorified.


3. Some of the Greeks once came to the city of Ostratsyni to distribute alms. They took people with them to show them who was in particular need of what. They brought them to a crippled man25 and offered him alms, but he refused:

"Here I am, toiling, weaving these young twigs, and eating bread from my labors.

Then they were led to the hut of a widow and her family. When they knocked,

Her daughter responded from within. She was naked. And his mother went to work at that time — she was a portomoi (laundress).26 They offered their daughter clothes and money. But she would not accept it, saying:

"When my mother went, she said to me, 'Be at peace, by the mercy of God, I have found work now, now we have food.'

When the mother came, they began to ask her to accept alms, but she did not accept it either, and said:

"My Providence is God, and now you want to take Him away from me!"


Seeing such faith, the Greeks glorified God.

4. The following incident shows how sinful and useless it is to "save money for a rainy day".

A certain gardener worked and used all his labor
