«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Grand Duke Dimitri Ivanovich again visited the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity to give thanks to the Lord God for the victory. 25

16. Children's prayer. 26

What books are useful to read? 27

17. And give thanks to God for sorrows. 28

18. Conquer enmity with humility. 29

19. "Judge not, that ye be not judged." 30

20. Not faith alone and not only good works are needed for salvation, but faith testified to by good works done in humility. 32

21. The Transfiguration of the Lord. 33

About the blessing of new fruits on the day of the Transfiguration. 34

22. Is it true to say that in the matter of our salvation whatever happens, it cannot be avoided? 35

Let us surrender ourselves to the will of God. 36

Prayer of St. Demetrius of Rostov. 36

23. The Most Holy Minutes of the Divine Liturgy. 36

24. "If you want to enter into your life, keep the commandments." 38

25. What is the best way to spend a holiday? 39

Whoever honors the feasts, God blesses him. 40

26. The hospitability of the hermit. 40

The power of man over animals. 41

27. A kind word to the farmer. 42

28. Sign of the Cross. 43

29. Kings reign by God. 45

The sovereign and the state. 46

30. Expensive pearls.. 46

31. Exposition of the Psalm "Have mercy on me, O God." 49

32. Do not envy, and conquer envy with kindness. 51

33. Do not argue with God. 52

34. Guardian Angel. 54

Who is your patron in the afterlife. 54